万科同乐会 Toby’s Home / Penda China 槃达中国



Penda China:'Toby's home' is a cafe and flagship store for a toy product-line named 'Toby' and is located in a large commercial compound called FUNMIX in Daxing / Beijing. The toy-line tells the story of Toby and his friends, who are born as seedlings of a dandelion and grow up in-between a forest and was designed as a brand character for FUNMIX.

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PENDA 受邀擔當本案的設計任務。在設計初始,充分的理解同樂會這個概念是必要的。首先,同樂會是一個 社區服務中心,因為項目周邊是万科打造的 115 萬平米的現代生態休閒社區。未來同樂會將為社區居民提供 一個社區服務平台,在這裡會舉辦社區派對、親子課堂、浪漫婚禮等活動。充分體現出万科 V-LINK “四有” 社區的理念。所以對空間的需求要靈活、安全、開放。其次,同樂會也是對万科品牌宣傳推廣的重要平台和媒介,利用這個空間未來會舉行主題展覽、藝術活動、時尚酒會等社交活動。所以空間的燈光、分隔設計要求具有一定的展示功能。由於空間位於長陽半島商場的二層,同樂會同時還要具備咖啡廳、書吧、創意產品商店的功能。這對空間的尺度、色彩、主題等又提出了不同的要求。

We were asked by chinese developer Vanke to create an architectural interpretation of Toby's environment and translate it to a space for children and grown-ups, combining a toy-store with a cafe and public areas for lectures or games. We were looking at the project the same way as a seedling might see our natural environment and translated trees into large arches, which bundle together and define different areas within the space.

設計,並不僅僅是像快餐一樣,把所有東西拼到一個盤子裡就可以。因為設計包容的是人們的生活,如何讓人在空間中能品味生活的詩意是我們對設計的一種追求。所以同樂會的空間設計也是如此。儘管功能複雜, 但我們還是希望能在設計中營造某種情景或創造某種詩意。因為,長陽半島廣場邀請 FAKE 工作室設計了整體的品牌形象和定位。這個商場有一個靈魂人物——Toby,它是一顆來自森林的種子,在這裡它有朋友、家人和敵人等,整個故事非常有趣。通常建築師都會排斥這樣的卡通情節,因為他們過於商業和娛樂。但是我們卻被這個故事深深吸引。因為這是一個鮮活的故事,故事裡面有人物、有情節、有生命。我們非常希望同樂會的空間能是這個故事的一部分。這對於顧客的體驗將是完整而連續的。最終我們把空間的概念定位為 “Toby 之家”。 Toby 就像是一顆蒲公英的種子一樣飄落到任何地方,但同樂會是它開始旅行冒險的出發點。

In a 4.5m high space, arcs are employed to create bidirectional columns resembling elegant and glittering dandelion seeds when the lights are turned on. At the same time, the columns can be used to display books, creative products, Toby dolls, and green plants . As an upside, the bundle of arcs are covering columns, beams and the buildings infrastructure. Rather than standing alone, these columns are interwoven to attract and invite people to walk in and explore the space.

因此,在空間設計中,我們利用 4.5 米的空間高度,創造了雙向的弧線組成的柱子,當燈光打亮的時候,優雅的姿態就像是一顆顆晶瑩的蒲公英種子。同時,柱子也是展示空間,書、創意產品、Toby 玩偶、綠植都可以在上面展示。柱子並不僅僅一棵,而是層層遞進,交織錯落,空間吸引人走進、發現,呈現出一種悠遠而深邃的場。局部的夾層空間,可以容納商場會員的功能。通過坡道與一層的舞台相連,孩子跑上跑下,將為空間帶來無限的活力。同時也可以作為走秀的 T 台。夾層下面主要是咖啡區,同樣可以作為展廳使用。緊鄰入口的創意品商店同時也是万科與三聯合作的書吧,文化與商業也完美的融合在一起。

A set of ramps and staircases connects a mezzanine floor to the exhibition and seating areas, which results in a homogenous circulation through the space. All ramps and railings are hung from the ceiling and supported by white-painted steel cables. The connecting circulation guides visitors through the forrest of arches and the movement of visitors appearing and disappearing behind arches adds a certain vitality to the space. The ramp connects to a wide, clearing-like area which can be used for social interactions, like games or lectures. Below the mezzanine is a coffee area that can be used also as an exhibition hall after removal of its furniture.

讀者見面會、浪漫求婚、休閒放鬆、臨時辦公、親子派對、藝術展覽…… 好像在同樂會的空間裡都可以發生。大家不停地拍照、發微信讓我們看到了 Toby 的故事正在吸引著大家慢慢走近。在這里大家找到了童真,找到了快樂,找到了一種夢幻般的可能。

As visitors walk into the 800 sqm space, they are greeted by bundles of arches, which are kept solid to the front. As the visitors continue to get deeper into the forrest, the arches open up for them to look through and products to be displayed . Like a forest, the space offers a great contrast of solid and light, closed and open, dense and wide areas , resulting in an interesting atmosphere of spaces and light. The arches are kept white, which results in a nice contrast to the dark floor and walls. The white forest can be coloured in any tone by LED-lighting which is placed with the arches and offers a great flexibility to highlight certain areas, creating larger and smaller regions within the artificial forest.

▼概念來源 Concept ▼模型 Model

項目名稱: TOBY 之家——万科同樂會室 內空間設計
項目類型: 室內設計
項目位置: 中國北京
設計時間: 2015
項目規模: 800平方米
設計團隊: Chris Precht,孫大勇,白雪, 權赫,李朋衝,王剛
攝影: 夏⾄,孫振宇

Project name: Toby’s Home / Interior Design for Vanke Funmix
Type: Interior Design
Location: Beijing,China
Project year: 2015
Size: 800m2
Project team:Chris Precht, Sun Dayong, Bai Xue, Quan He, Li Pengchong, Wang Gang
Photo credits:Xia Zhi , Sun Zhen yu

更多 Read more about: Penda China

