伊朗马赞达兰,现代特色民居 / KA architecture studio
KA architecture studio:基於伊朗北部地區有著多樣化的旅遊潛力,又鄰近德黑蘭大都市,每年都有大量的國外和臨時國內游客光臨,週末時,這些城市會迎來各種不同的社會群體,大量以此為目的而建造的別墅建築與本土建築並不協調,反而成為了當地建築模式的競爭對手。在這些沒有明確背景或特徵的地區,移民的文化偏好對其形成產生了很大的影響。
KA architecture studio:Due to diverse tourism potentials and proximity to the metropolis of Tehran, the northern regions of Iran, host a large number of non- indigenous cultures and temporary domestic tourists every year. These cities experience different social diversities on weekends, and a large number of villa houses built for this purpose are not in harmony with the vernacular architecture and become a rival for the local patterns. In the context of these areas, there is no definite background or identity, and the immigrant's preferences have had a great influence on their formation .

The client of this project had migrated to Tehran from a region with an introvert and traditional culture at a young age and had a traditional tendency. He bought two adjacent pieces of land in the village and decided to combine the two and build a villa at the center.

The introverted mental background of the client in opposition to the extrovert context of the northern regions of the country was the main challenge. The combination of these two created a paradoxical concept. We wanted the villa to express itself as a representative of the climatic and social pattern of its extrovert context, and simultaneously to comply with the needs of its traditional introvert residents. Therefore, this contradiction became the main theme for our design. In addition, we faced the client's weak financial status as another major challenge.
By putting these layers together, the decision-making process began, and we eventually decided to provide a pattern for this family that at the same time showcased both introvert and extrovert characteristics and was completely isolated from its neighboring villas.
▼設計策略 Design strategy

▼別墅庭院景觀 The view of the yard

Based on this pattern and client's low budget, we proposed that the villa be built on one of the two pieces of land and the other be sold if any financial constraint came up during the process. eventually, the strategy of the project was to create a relatively closed and visually limited villa on one piece of land and turn the other piece into a garden that leads a part of the project to its center (the extension of the villa), and creates a semi open space for outdoor activities enclosed from neighbor's view to the yard without use of high walls based on the client's request. In this project, we tried to create a pattern based on both the client's lifestyle and limited budget.
The main limitations we faced during this project were the lack of local professional construction workers. the cheapest and most efficient materials were cement and concrete which the local workers were quite familiar with.

we considered a spatial morphology that did not impose a large additional cost on the project using a simple masonry wall as a cheap and affordable element to simultaneously shape the outer volume and the interior spaces.

▼別墅首層平面 Ground Floor Plan

▼別墅二層平面 First Floor Plan

▼別墅立面 Elevation

▼別墅剖面 Section

設計公司:KA architecture studio(Mohammad Khavarian)
首席建築師:Mohammad Khavarian
執行經理:Khalil maqsoudi, Vahid tahmasebi
土木工程公司:Hossein Shahab
機械工程:Reza samen
電氣工程:Sadegh nourozi
主管:Mohammad khavarian
製圖:Mohammad khavarian
客戶:Ali Jokarian
圖片:Deed Studio
Project name: Natel weekend villa
Company name: KA architecture studio( Mohammad Khavarian)
Project location: Natel, Mazandaran, Iran
Completion Year: 2018
Other participants:
Lead Architects: Mohammad Khavarian
Executive Manager: Khalil maqsoudi, Vahid tahmasebi
Civil engineer / Company: Hossein Shahab
Mechanical engineer: Reza samen
Electrical engineer : Sadegh nourozi
Supervisor: Mohammad khavarian
Graphic: Hananeh Misaghi
Clients: Ali Jokarian
Photo credits: Deed Studio
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