丹麦海宁高中校园折形混凝土庭院 / Schønherr
Schønherr: Art is the main focus point of Grønnegaarden in Herning High School. Everywhere one looks, you see art of high quality. The garden project has been built around a single geometrical form and a rectangular lawn which connects to the various manifestations of the buildings and allows the user to peacefully enjoy the surroundings.
▼鸟瞰 Aerial

In the grass, a concrete landscape made of cast-in-place concrete has been created. The ‘landscape’ consists of asymmetrical shapes which rise and fall in order to create sitting, study, and relaxation areas. Mountain pine and Siberian birch are placed all over the garden in order to provide it with a green sense of nature and space all year round. The trunks of the trees add a subtle and poetic interaction with the natural light and shadows of the garden.

▼身处花园里的人们能够以平静的心态来享受周围环境 The users could peacefully enjoy the surroundings.

▼混凝土模块细部 Detail of concrete asymmetrical shapes.

▼夜景 Night view

▼平面图 Master Plan

大楼建筑设计:CUBO Architects
工程:CC Contractor
客户顾问:Niels Christian Nielsen, Ramboll
其他合作者:HJ Lauritzen
承包商:CC Contractor
景观建设成本:4.5 mill. DKK
照片版权归属:Jens Lindhe, Martin Schubert
Landscape Architecture: Schønherr
Building Architect : CUBO Architects
Artistic decoration: Schønherr
Engineer: CC Contractor
Client / entity: Herning Gymnasium
Client Advisors : Niels Christian Nielsen, Ramboll
Other collaborators: HJ Lauritzen
Contractor: CC Contractor
Price: Herning City Council Building award 2015
Status: Realized 2014
Area: 2500 M2
Cost of construction landscape: 4.5 mill. DKK
Photo credits: Jens Lindhe, Martin Schubert
更多 Read more about: Schønherr