华润置地悦里 CR Land Yue Li / GVL怡境国际设计集团




GVL:CR Land Yue Li has integrated the thoughts about space with the artistic lifestyle, creating an art gallery that is close to real life. In this space, every detail including the tree and the flower, the light and shadow, the thick and the thin, the true and the false, the activity and the inertia, reflects the designers’ thoughts on space and environment. 


1、厚与薄的设计哲学  THICK / THIN


The architecture, which is mainly built with the thick concrete and the thin glass, looks modern and elegant. 



Though the form, the space and the facade of the building must follow the requested standards, its volume makes it more eye-catching compared with the landscape. 





Landscape design and the artistic conception it wants to deliver should serve as the catalyst which will help to accelerate the reactions and highlight the elegance and artistic atmosphere of the architecture.


设计手稿  Draft


The entrance is open to present the facade of the building which is surrounded by mountains and forest. The fresh air and natural environment enhance the holy atmosphere. 



2. 虚与实的镜像空间  FALSE / TRUE


The bare concrete gives out soft light in the moon, reflecting the landscape of the backyard and creating an unreal atmosphere. 





The shadows finally reflect on the pool, forming a special symmetrical space which allows people to escape from the hustle and bustle and experience the rare tranquility.  



静谧与光明之间的对话就交由镜像来呈现。”  ——路易斯康

The dialogue between the tranquility and the brightness is realized by the mirror design.   —— Louisl. Kahn 



设计手稿  Draft


In the center of the swimming pool is a sunken space which is in contrast with the flowing water. 




设计手稿  Draft


In the distance, the symbolic sculpture stands out of the water, recording the trace of time. 



3. 动与静的空间魅力  ACTIVITIY / INERTIA


On the sunny days, the framed sky presents different light and shadows, sheltering the beautiful backyard.  




In the courtyard, we can experience nature from different aspects. As the center of of a house, it provides a space for experiencing the sun, the wind and the rain.  




The activity space is deep into the backyard, which is surrounded by dense plants to ensure privacy and ventilation. The cooper coated material complements the gray walls and the children’s playground is designed like waves, creating a dynamic and harmonious atmosphere.  


儿童区平面  Children Area



The design has reached a balance between noise and tranquility, providing people with an easy access to enjoying arts.  





Designed to be a modern landmark, CR Land Yue Li is located in Foshan CBD with great development potential. GVL’s landscape design has combined art with life, introducing new lifestyle to the architecture and expressing arts in every detail. 


总平面图  Master Plan



The combination of art and life symbolizes the interpretation to modern civilization, which is a revolutionary attempt in exhibition areas. It will bring the“Renaissance” in the real estate industry. 



Project: CR Land Yue Li
Developer: CR Land Guangzhou Branch 
Category: Boutique Housing 
Area: 17,525㎡
Landscape Design: GVL 


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