Pitt Street步行街道商业设计


建築事務所Snøhetta於近日完成了一個商店設計,該設計位於悉尼中央商務區的核心地帶,是Aesop迄今為止最大的零售店。該商店位於繁忙的國際購物區的中心,坐落於皮特街(Pitt Street)步行街道的一側,希望能夠通過零售空間來放慢行人的腳步,讓人們能夠忙裡偷閒,靜靜地品味周圍的建築環境,欣賞其對比鮮明的材料和紋理。 Aesop皮特街店將品牌風格和使命與悉尼精神融合在了一起,致力於售賣一系列能夠反映當地城市和社區環境的貨真價實的商品。內部空間寧靜而祥和,給到店的人們帶去一種平靜而安心的感覺。

設計以寧靜的悉尼沿海和邦迪海灘(Bondi Beach)海濱地區與充滿活力的中央商務區之間的關係為出發點。巨大的花崗岩結構包裹著由砂岩打造而成的內部空間,從而向克里斯托(Christo)和珍妮·克勞德(Jeanne-Claude)於1968-1969年完成的項目“被包裹的海岸線(Wrapped Coast )”致敬(該項目用大片的白布將Little Bay的砂岩峭壁遮蓋起來,創造出一種月球表面般的景觀)。同樣地,Aesop悉尼皮特街店也通過設計處理,將廣闊而寧靜的海岸線景觀帶到了繁華的鬧市之中。為了融入市中心區域充滿活力的環境氛圍,商店採用帶紋理的花崗岩和玻璃打造外立面,入口空間相對於街道向後退,留出一個過渡空間,隱喻地將沿海地帶的寧靜氛圍引入了繁忙的市中心。入口立面的顏色和材質紋理都與商店所在建築光滑的砂岩外立面有著明顯的不同,隱晦地向行人們傳達出“是時候放慢腳步了”的信號,同時創造出一種寧靜的氛圍,為人們創造出一個可以思考和放鬆的空間。

▼商店入口,入口空間相對於街道向後退,留出一個過渡空間,the entrance that is set back from the street and provides a moment to decompress and transition into the space © Benjamin Hosking

Pitt Street步行街道商业设计-筑图-建筑景观素材,LUMION模型,方案文本,CAD施工图,SU模型下载

Tuesday, September 24, 2019 — Located in the heart of Sydney’s central business district, Snøhetta has designed Aesop’s largest store to date. In the middle of this busy cosmopolitan shopping area, along the pedestrianized section of Pitt Street, the design of Aesop’s store intends to slow down the pace of passersby, encourage browsing, and draw attention to the contrasting textures and materials of the surrounding buildings. Aesop Pitt Street is a result of the spirit of Sydney infused in the ambience and mission of Aesop, which includes creating honest products to be sold in shops which reflect the context of their locations, communities and environments. The interior space of Aesop Pitt Street is tranquil and peaceful, leaving visitors with a feeling of serenity and reassurance.

The design process began with understanding the relationships between the spirit of the coast and waterfront at Bondi Beach, and the vibrancy of the central business district. A monumental granite structure wraps the interior of the sandstone building, paying homage to Christo and Jeanne-Claude’s 1968 -9 Wrapped Coast, which rendered the sandstone cliffs of Little Bay a theatrical, lunar landscape. Aesop Sydney brings the greatness and tranquility of coastal cliffs to the bustling downtown environment. Responding to the energy of the downtown area, the store’s entrance, clad in textured granite, is set back from the street and provides a moment to decompress and transition into the space, metaphorically bringing the coastal calm into the busy city center. The contrasting color and texture of the entrance, in contrast to the smooth sandstone features of the building, signals visitors to slow down, and create a moment of stillness upon entry, allowing space to think and relax.

▼商店室內局部,中央金屬展台的外觀線條乾淨利落,partial interior view of the store, the central metal display stand boasts a clean profile © Benjamin Hosking

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The large metal block sinks boast a clean profile and displays the products in a central zone dedicated to cleansing and testing. The sinks and counters are industrial and sleek, even while their finish reflects the dark and cool stone.

▼商店室內局部,中央金屬展台不僅展示著商品,更設有水槽,既工業又時尚,partial interior view of the store, the central display stand with sinks displays the products, creating an industrial and sleek atmosphere © Benjamin Hosking

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A robust and durable material palette of stone, brass metal and concrete balances a sense of monumentality and intimacy. Inspired by the monolithic scale and texture of a stone quarry, the room appears to be composed of solid granite. Despite sandstone being the prevailing local geology , granite, an igneous rock known for its strength and durability, lines the pavements of Sydney’s central business district, where Aesop Sydney is located, which resembles a strong connection between Sydney and Aesop.

▼牆面展示區,呈現出花崗岩的紋理,the wall display area with the texture of granites © Benjamin Hosking

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Pitt Street步行街道商业设计-筑图-建筑景观素材,LUMION模型,方案文本,CAD施工图,SU模型下载


Carved grooves in the stone create the divisions where metal shelves have been inserted, integrating shaves into the cladding. Polished metal detailing reflects the stone, creating an almost invisible line and highlighting the products displayed around the perimeter of the space.

▼牆面展示細節,金屬置物架嵌入石牆的凹槽,將展示構件與空間的內飾面和諧地統一了起來,details of the wall display area, metal shelves insert in the carved grooves in the stone, integrating shaves into the cladding © Benjamin Hosking

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The Aesop Pitt Street store consists of several areas that cater to the needs of each individual customer. The communal sinks at the front allow for staff demonstrations and user-friendly testing of the products, whereas the private sinks deeper within the space allow for more contemplative product exploration, creating a sense of “home” away from home, and encouraging mindful selections. Towards the back of the store, a small amphitheater allows for a moment of repose and relaxation where visitors can choose to observe the environment or watch a short film displayed on an in-built screen on the wall.

▼商店更深處的私人體驗區,the private sinks deeper within the space © Benjamin Hosking

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Aesop Pitt Street is the eighth Aesop store designed by Snøhetta. Other stores include Aesop Prinsens Gate (Oslo, click here to read more), Aesop Homansbyen (Oslo), Aesop Grabenstraße (Düsseldorf), Aesop Fasanenstraße (Berlin), Aesop ION (Singapore), and Aesop Raffles City (Singapore), and Aesop Duke of York Square (London, click here to read more).

More: Snøhetta 更多關於他們: Snøhetta www.zoscape.com.

