OWSPACE book store design in Aranya
▼單向空間書店入口標識,entrance sign of the OWSPACE
設計對於空間的想像,最初源於“孤獨”。當⼈們遠離城市的喧囂,獨⾃身處海邊,⾯對⾃⼰,孤獨感瞬間被成倍放⼤了。與傳統書店不同的是,設計企圖創造⼀個以⼈為單元的互動空間。在原有樑柱結構不變的前提下,採⽤“包裹”和“消解”的⽅法,將不同功能的深灰⾊⽊質的盒⼦穿插其中。這些形態⼤⼩不⼀的“盒 ⼦”賦予原本單⼀的空間更豐富的延展⽅式,令讀者在隨意遊⾛中完成對空間的趣味探索。既可以隱於⼀個⼈獨處的⼩盒⼦,沉浸於⼀個⼈的冥想,也可以⾛⼊更開放的空間,遇到新的朋友產⽣交流和互動。這些“盒⼦”給了⼈們選擇孤獨的機會,也帶來相聚的可能。
▼平面佈局概念圖,conceptual plan
The inspiration for spatial design originated from “loneliness”. Being alone by the sea,away from the hustle and bustle of the city life, the feeling of loneliness is suddenly magnified. Unlike traditional bookstore design, the designer attempts to create a space which allows different levels of interaction based on individuals’ needs. As the original concrete frame structure remains unchanged, dark gray wooden “boxes” of different functions are inserted into the building. These boxes of different shapes and sizes give the originally monotonic space a richer way of extension, allowing readers to explore the space with interest as walking around. These boxes give people the opportunity to seek solitude and quietness,also offer the possibility of encountering the others.
▼⼀個以⼈為單元的互動空間,a space which allows different levels of interaction based on individuals’ needs
▼不同功能的深灰⾊⽊質的盒⼦穿插其中,dark gray wooden “boxes” of different functions are inserted into the building
▼這些形態⼤⼩不⼀的“盒 ⼦”賦予原本單⼀的空間更豐富的延展⽅式,boxes of different shapes and sizes give the originally monotonic space a richer way of extension
▼這些“盒⼦”給了⼈們選擇孤獨的機會,也帶來相聚的可能,these boxes give people the opportunity to seek solitude and quietness,also offer the possibility of encountering the others
書店主⼊⼝和外擺區的景牆由混凝⼟現澆⽽成,混凝⼟⾃然的表⾯肌理給⼈粗糲⼜有溫度的感受。 ⾼低錯落的牆體和植物營造出的過渡空間,將外界的紛擾統統阻隔在⼀⽅牆外。當讀者由外⾄內穿過這⼀區域,內⼼也從外界的喧鬧⾃然轉換到閱讀所需的安 靜⾥。材料運⽤上,保留了原建築混凝⼟的粗獷氛圍,搭配深灰⾊⽊⽪,原⾊鋼板與⽔磨⽯等⾃然樸素的材料,營造出獨特的,屬於海邊書店的獨⽴冷靜的氛圍。
The walls of the entrance area are made of cast-in-place concrete, the natural and primitive texture of which gives people a sense of warmth. The concrete walls and plants create a transitional space that blocks out all the disturbances from the outside, allowing the readers to shift naturally into a calm and peaceful mood when passing through this area to get inside the bookstore. In terms of material application, the designer retained the rough concrete texture of the original building, combined with dark gray wood, steel and terrazzo, which creates a sense of coolness for the seaside bookstore.
▼閱讀空間,reading space
▼不同形態的座椅,different chairs
The project is not merely about designing a bookstore, it is creating a ambience in which public space and private space are deconstructed and placed in the same field,seeking to explore of the new definition of thinking and communication in a fast-paced times.
▼光與影,light and shadow
▼⼀個界限模糊的思考空間,space for thinking and exploring
▼與⾃我交流,conversation between me and myself
▼平面圖,floor plan
建築師:⻘⼭周平,藤井洋⼦,劉凌⼦,楊⾬嘉,曲海波 / B.L.U.E.建築設計事務所
總建築⾯積 590平⽶
設計週期 02.2018 – 07.2018
施⼯週期 07.2018 – 09.2017
主要材料 外⽴⾯:原⾊鋼板
Project Name:OWSPACE book store design in Aranya
Project Location:Qinghuangdao, Heibei, China
Architect/s:Shuhei Aoyama,Yoko Fujii, Lingzi Liu, Yujia Yang,
Haibo Qu / B.L.U.E. Architecture Studio
Client:B.L.U.E. Architecture Studio
Building Area:590 ㎡
Design Period:02.2018 – 07.2018
Construction Period:07.2018 – 09.2017
More: B.L.U.E. Architecture Studio。更多關於他們:B.L.U.E. Architecture Studio www.zoscape.com