圣帕特里克广场 / Boffa Miskell


Boffa Miskell:圣帕特里克广场是奥克兰市中心的一个特殊地方 – 圣帕特里克大教堂的所在地和城市绿洲,让您远离城市的喧嚣生活。大教堂的完全修复工作于2007年完成。结合重大的CBD街景升级计划,奥克兰市政府有机会大幅改善现有广场,并与新修复的大教堂相辅相成。

Boffa Miskell:St Patrick’s Square is a special place in Auckland’s city centre – home to St Patrick’s Cathedral and an urban oasis offering respite from the hustle and bustle of life in the city. A full restoration of the Cathedral was completed in 2007. This, combined with a significant CBD Streetscape Upgrade Programme gave Auckland Council the opportunity to significantly enhance the existing Square and complement the newly restored Cathedral.


Boffa Miskell根据与奥克兰市议会的合作协议担任首席设计顾问,并提供从现场分析到合同管理的全套项目服务。与当地居民,企业和广场用户进行广泛的接触和咨询,产生了一套明确的总体项目目标。其中包括:庆祝广场的遗产,宗教和文化意义及其与大教堂的关系;保留和增强广场作为“城市绿洲”,人们可以放松,会面和社交;创造一个安全,舒适和愉快的日夜环境,并使用高品质的材料,以适应该地区的独特性质。

Boffa Miskell was engaged as lead design consultant under a Partnering Agreement with Auckland City Council and delivered the complete range of project services from Site Analysis to Contract Administration. Extensive engagement and consultation with local residents, businesses and users of the Square resulted in a clear set of overarching project objectives. These included: celebrate the Square’s heritage, religious and cultural significance and its relationship to the Cathedral; retain and enhance the Square as an ‘urban oasis’ where people can relax, meet and socialise; create a safe, comfortable and enjoyable day and night-time environment, and use high quality materials befitting the unique nature of the place.





Boffa Miskell与两位艺术家(Steve Woodward和Mary-Louise Brown)合作,在广场内创作了两件独特的艺术品。建筑工程于2009年10月完成。该项目获得了景观设计类金奖,以及NZILA乔治马尔科姆至尊奖,该奖项获得了NZILA 2010年广场景观建筑奖。

Boffa Miskell worked collaboratively with two artists (Steve Woodward and Mary-Louise Brown) to create two distinctive artworks within the Square. Construction works were completed in October 2009. The project was awarded a Gold Award in the Landscape Design Category, and the NZILA George Malcolm Supreme Award at the NZILA Resene Pride of Place Landscape Architecture Awards 2010.



与史蒂夫伍德沃德和玛丽 – 路易斯布朗(艺术家)合作

Client:Auckland Council
Worked with Steve Woodward and Mary- Louise Brown (artists)
Project date:2009
Awards:George Malcolm Supreme Award, 2010 NZILA Resene Pride of Place Landscape Awards


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