玫瑰广场 Piazza Rosa / Studio Fink
Studio Fink:临时的Piazza Rosa项目位于意大利贝加莫的Piazza Vecchia(旧广场),这是一个文艺复兴时期的广场,勒柯布西耶称其为“欧洲最美丽的广场”。广场建于20世纪,是当时这座中世纪城镇的社会和政治中心,后来被17世纪的圆形防御墙所包围。作为文艺复兴时期城镇的一颗明珠,广场被丰富多样的历史建筑环绕着,如市政厅、理性宫、大教堂、圣玛丽亚·马格乔治教堂和Colleoni教堂。如今广场是老城区艺术和文化生活的焦点,吸引了很多人聚集于此,而主要的经济和商业活动则位于防御墙之外。
Studio Fink:The location of the temporary Piazza Rosa project is Piazza Vecchia ( Old Square ) in Bergamo Italy a Renaissance square, that Le Corbusier called “ the most beautiful square in Europe”. The square was planned and built in the XVth century as the social and political centre a hilltop medieval town later surrounded by 17th-century cyclopic defensive walls. As a jewel of a renaissance town the square is enriched and surrounded by remarkable historical architecture such as the Palazzo del Comune, Palazzo della Ragione, the Cathedral, St. Maria Maggiore and the Colleoni Chapel. Today the square is a focus of the artistic and cultural life in the predominantly pedestrianized Old City whilst the main economic and business activity is located outside the defensive walls.

The main aim of the project was to create a thought provoking platform drawing public attention to the positive importance and implications of place making and contemporary landscaping ideas. The temporary transformation of a major historical space on this scale has proved an irresistible attraction to people of all ages drawing close to quarter million people into the square over sixteen days of its existence during day and night time.

The Piazza Rosa design aimed at a dialogue of contrasts with a strong contemporary conceptual and artistic emphasis whilst bearing in mind the theme of healing landscape and social/environmental sustainability. On a conceptual level the design aimed to renew the relationship between art and landscape design through a creative exploration of our senses, a bold use of colour, shapes, smells, and texture of planting. The wide variety of herbal and medicinal plants, trees and shrubs were chosen following the criterion of healing and well-being.
As a new space it successfully also provided a dual platform for local people, outsiders and tourists. This was also experienced as a positive and noticeable rise in the economic exchange and social interactions in the surrounding Old Town.

平面图 Plan
剖面 Section
项目名称: 罗莎广场
客户: 贝尔加莫市
地点: 意大利贝尔加莫
日期: 2014年
照片版权: Leonardo Tagliabue
Studio Fink
Peter Fink
Lucia Nusiner
照明设计: Maurizio Quargnale
Project name: Piazza Rosa
Client: Bergamo City
Location: Bergamo Italy
Date: 2014
Photo credit : Leonardo Tagliabue
Studio Fink
Peter Fink
Lucia Nusiner
Lighting: Maurizio Quargnale
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