大都会艺术博物馆广场景观 DAVID H. KOCH PLAZA metropolitan museum of art by OLIN
OLIN : 负责项目的景观设计,目的是创造一个温馨的城市目的地,一个新的当代花岗岩池喷泉构成了蒸汽回收循环系统。他们的位置靠近大楼梯,从而改善广场入口。广场包括约100棵新树,降低路面温度创造更舒适的环境。此外,悬浮铺装系统使广泛的地下树坑收集雨水,慢慢地释放到城市的雨水系统中。
OLIN : The project is designed by Olin company to create a warm city destination. a new contemporary granite pool fountain forms a steam recycling system. Their position is close to the big staircase, thus improving the entrance of the square. The square includes about 100 new trees to reduce road surface temperature and create a more comfortable environment. In addition, the suspension paving system enables extensive underground tree pits to collect rainwater and slowly release it to the rainwater system of the city.