芭堤雅希尔顿酒店景观 / TROP:Terrains+Open Space


TROP:Terrains+Open Space :芭堤雅希爾頓酒店距曼谷約2小時車程。在過去,它以美麗的長灘和一覽無餘的海景而聞名。然而,由於缺乏當地法規,沙灘現在擠滿了夜總會和酒吧。為了避免喧鬧的海灘,擁有200間客房的Hilton Pattaya酒店建在一個新購物中心的屋頂上。 TROP負責創建一個隱藏在下面混亂海灘的城市避難所。我們的目標是再次將景觀與芭堤雅美麗的海景重新連接起來。由於面積有限,我們必須重新組織花園的整體空間結構。在戰略上,我們將花園劃分為3個主要部分。

TROP:Terrains+Open Space :out 2 hours drive from Bangkok. In the old days, it was famous for beautiful long beach and unobstructed sea view. However, lacking of local regulations, the beach is now crowded with nightclubs and bars. In order to avoid the noisy beach, Hilton Pattaya, a 200-rooms hotel, is built on the roof of a new shopping mall. TROP is responsible to create an urban sanctuary hidden from chaotic beach below. Our goal is to re-connect the Landscape with Pattaya's beautiful sea view one more time . Because of the limited area, we have to re-organize the overall spatial structure of the garden. Strategically, we divided the garden into 3 Main Components.

總平面圖  Master Plan

Photos by Wison Tungthunya,Adam Brozzone,Charkhrit Chartarsa.

項目名稱: 希爾頓中心芭堤雅飯店
竣工日期:  2010年
地點:泰 國瓊布里芭堤雅
面積:一 樓1252平方米,十六樓2538平方米。屋頂面積408平方米
委託人: Central Pattana Public Company Limited
設計公司: TROP : terrains + open space
項目設計者: Pakawat Varaphakdi
項目組: Wasin Muneepeerakul,Pattarapol Jormkhanngen,Teerayut Pruekpanasan ,Chatchawan Banjongsiri

Project Name : Hilton Central Pattaya Hotel
Completion Date : 2010
Location : Pattaya, Chonburi, Thailand
Area : Ground floor 1,252 sqm.16 Th floor 2,538 sqm.Rooftop area 408 sqm.
Client : Central Pattana Public Company Limited
Design Company : TROP : terrains + open space
Project Director : Pok Kobkongsanti
Project Designer : Pakawat Varaphakdi
Project Team : Wasin Muneepeerakul,Pattarapol Jormkhanngen,Teerayut Pruekpanasan ,Chatchawan Banjongsiri

更多: TROP:Terrains+Open Space

