埃斯基纳斯健康医院广场 The CommonGround and Sky Farm at Eskenazi Health Hospital by DAVID RUBIN Land Collective
DAVID RUBIN Land Collective:埃斯基納斯醫院的公共場所是一個佔地1.5英畝的廣場,位於一個10多英畝的醫院園區內。在高水平的設計背景下,該場所的參與性被提高,可吸引印第安納波利斯地區的所有人。該項目設計內容包括注重水的聲音和微氣候;在農貿市場和本地餐館吃營養豐富的慢食;一個以當地和國家藝術家而著稱的場地;以及區域性的獨特景觀屬性。場地中的屋頂花園作為空中農場,每年為醫院病人種植超過2000磅的食物。 David還與Eskenazi合作,為當前和未來的發展制定計劃,包括創建一條連接印第安納波利斯市中心的文化步道和白河綠道的健康小徑。 David與現場團隊相協調設計了這個廣場,這也是醫院基金會籌款工作的重要組成部分。
DAVID RUBIN Land Collective:The Commonground at Eskenazi Hospital is a 1.5-acre plaza within a 10+acre hospital campus. The Commonground offers opportunities for engagement and program in the context of a high level of design—a draw for anyone in the Indianapolis area, whether seeking Eskenazi’s services or not. The project includes contemplative spaces focusing on the sounds and micro-climate of water; nutritionally-rich slow-food in a farmers’ market and local-fare café; a site informed by renowned local and national artists; and regionally identifiable landscape attributes. The Commonground embraces the concept of mens sana in corpore sano, with a Sky Farm productive rooftop garden, where each year more than 2,000 pounds of food is grown for patients of the hospital. David also worked with Eskenazi to establish campus guidelines for current and future growth, including the creation of a Wellness Trail that links downtown Indianapolis’ Cultural Trail with the White River Greenway. David designed T he Commonground, coordinated the site team, participated on the Art Selection Committee, and was an integral part of the Hospital Foundation’s fund-raising efforts.
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