法国新城镇入口广场 France New town entrance / Ateliers 2/3/4/
Ateliers 2/3/4/ :該廣場位於一個新街區的入口處,在預示著藥學院未來發展方向的同時,它也為十字路口創造了一個的清晰視野。該場地的地形有5米的高度變化,以及它在繁忙交通道路交叉口的位置決定了景觀規劃方案。三個水平的階梯式平台形成了從單純的石材鋪裝到廣泛種植的高地,有噴泉和大量的座位。廣場有能夠進入不同建築的入口。在Clement街的下方,創造了一個與噪雜交通環境隔離的場地,同時保持了道路兩側的視覺連續性。一系列的台階、層、坡道和台階式廣場都是用天然石頭處理的,種植量很大。這個新的廣場整合了所有的人行流線和出入口的製約因素,有多種不同的用途。
Ateliers 2/3/4/ :Strategically located at the entrance of a new neighbourhood, the square provides a clear view of the crossroads whilst announcing the future development of the Faculty of Pharmacy. The geo-topographical characteristics of the site, a 5-metre change in level together with its location at the intersection of dense traffic roads, determined the landscape plan. Three horizontal terraces are formed as plateaux ranging from very mineral to extensively planted, with fountains and plenty of seating. They give access to the different building entrances. Located below the rue JB Clement gives them protection from nuisances related to the intensity of traffic whilst allowing visual continuity to both sides of the road. The series of steps, tiers, ramps and terraces is treated in natural stone with abondant planting. This new mineral topography integrates all pedestrian movement and access constraints whilst allowing for different uses.

總平面圖 Master Plan
場地剖面 Section

L&R: ©Clément Guillaume

L&R: ©Clément Guillaume

L&R: ©Clément Guillaume

L&R: ©Clément Guillaume
L&R: ©Clément Guillaume

L&R: ©Clément Guillaume
L&R: ©Clément Guillaume
客戶: SEM 92
景觀設計: Ateliers 2/3/4/
團隊: Agate Mordka (景觀部主任), Aiala Olaberria, Juan Francisco Seage.
工程: Y-ingénierie
面積: 4200平方米
造價: 180萬歐元
完成時間: 2016年
攝影師: ©Clément Guillaume
Client: SEM 92
Landscape Architect: Ateliers 2/3/4/
Team : Agate Mordka (Director Landscape Division), Aiala Olaberria, Juan Francisco Seage.
Engineer : Y-ingénierie
Programme: a new place for a new town entrance
Area : 4200 m²
Cost: 1800 000 €
Completion : 2016
Photographer: ©Clément Guillaume
更多 Read more about:Ateliers 2/3/4/