土耳其城市公共空间,全民共享平台 / Yazgan Design Architecture
Yazgan Design Architecture:Odunpazarı是土耳其埃斯基謝希爾市最大的歷史中心區,該項目要求的更新改造Odunpazarı的Hamamyolu街道,重新詮釋其社會文化、歷史和視覺識別性,使其重新融入城市。雖然直到20世紀末,該街道還是一個“城鎮中心”,但卻失去了它的公共價值,這種情況導致城市南北關係變得更加弱化。
Yazgan Design Architecture:Odunpazarı Municipality, the biggest municipality in the city of Eskişehir in Turkey, requested a project for the regeneration of the Hamamyolu Street interpreting its socio-cultural, historical and visual identity, to reintegrate it into the city. While being a 'town center' until the end of 20th century, the street lost its public value and this situation caused the weakening of the relationship between the north and south side of the city.
It was aimed to use its potential as a town center which connects these two sides, to attract tourists and to transform it into a vibrant urban element not only serving tourists but also becoming an important part of daily life, thus benefitting tradesman through an economic revival and increasing the social sharing amongst the residents and users of the district.
▼項目總平圖 Site Plan
▼復甦的城市街道 After Renovation
Hamamyolu Urban Deck is an urban design project with 26.088 sqm land area and 1.050 sqm construction area. The project is a body of layers that generate multiple links with the city in a unique way. The most important link is a “macroscale link” with the city which reconnects the northern and southern parts of the city with a continuous pedestrian street.
The second link is a “green link” which breathes a new life into Hamamyolu Street. In addition to the existing 126 perennial trees; 50 new lindens, 262 new shrubs, 3877 new ivies, 3066 new ground cover plants, 585 new grass areas are added in order to create a “green belt” from south to north.
For an uninterrupted pedestrian movement along south and north sides of the city, the road which is crossing Hamamyolu Street is overpassed by a bridge which is also used as an open art museum where the local identity is exposed and exhibited.
▼藝術橋平面&剖面 Art Bridge Plan&Section▼藝術橋樑博物館鳥瞰 Art Bridge Aerial View
▼藝術橋樑博物館 Art Museum
Odunpazarı區以其玻璃生產車間而聞名,當地傳統的玻璃製造如今依然活躍,許多工匠製作手工藝品,在城市內展出和出售。 Hamamyolu項目的靈感和文化聯繫之一就來自當地的玻璃生產。該項目中採用了一種獨特的城市軸線,一條1.2公里長的人行步行道,2厘米寬的線性led光束穿過中心,共有22000塊當地手工製作的玻璃嵌入地面白色水泥,這種特殊的材料組合也有助於通過創造玻璃的新用途來提升當地經濟,此外,線性led光束還可用來強調參照現有樹木而定的城市軸線的連續性。
Odunpazarı district is known for its glass production workshops, where the local tradition of glass manufacture is still alive and active. Many artisans produce handcrafts which are exhibited and sold within the city. One of the inspiration and cultural link for Hamamyolu Project comes from this local glass production. A unique type of urban axis is implemented into the project as a 1.2 km long pedestrian path, with 2 cm wide linear led light beam that passes through the centre, and with hand-made glasses embedded to white cement. 22.000 pieces of local handmade glass in total were embedded into the ground. This unique combination of materials also helps to enhance the local economy by creating a new type of usage for glass. In addition, the linear led light beam emphasizes the continuity of the urban axis by making it visible. The urban axis is shaped with respect to existing trees.
▼玻璃軸-局部嵌玻璃水泥 Glass axis-local glass embedded cement
Urban links between the urban deck and the surrounding context are created by connecting to the 11 existing passages on Hamamyolu and surrounding streets. While these connections are emphasized with glass embedded white cement in the entrances, the connection with the streets is highlighted through the color change of wooden floorings.
One of the demands of the people of Eskişehir is to increase the number and variety of the café and seating areas in Hamamyolu. Various types of cafés are created and differentiated with their concept. Roofs of the cafés are covered with greenery and connected to the ground with steps which also work as multipurpose amphi providing more seating areas. The capacity of free urban seating increased from 1.000 to 5.000 which encourages visitors to spend more time in Hamamyolu.
Hamamyolu城市平台最突出和最受歡迎的特點之一是創造了一個有趣的環境,它包含了許多不同的遊樂場,如蹦床、石池、競技場等,適合不同年齡層的人。除了遊樂場和專為兒童設計的設施外,整個城市平臺本身也通過其立體用途成為了每個人的遊樂場。 Hamamyolu中整合了各種各樣的遊戲場,這樣“遊玩”就與日常生活自然融合在一起。
One of the most prominent and enjoyed feature of the Hamamyolu Urban Deck is to become a fun environment, containing numbers of different playgrounds such as trampolines, stone pools, amphies, etc. for different age groups. Other than the playgrounds and the facilities designed particularly for children, the whole urban deck itself becomes a playground for everyone with its three-dimensional use. Various playgrounds are integrated into Hamamyolu such that “play” is mixed with the natural flow of everyday life.
The use of water elements are valued due to its historical context. There are three types of pools that are designed with different states of water in different forms and dimensions: bowl pigeon pool, stone pools and steam pool. The location of the steam pool is chosen to emphasize the area of historical Turkish baths “Hamam” in which the site name comes from. The pigeon pool that is made up of free form handmade glasses which are embedded to elevated concrete bowl is placed to a specific location where pigeons used to drink water.
“A free multipurpose art museum”, which is open to two sides, is designed in the middle of the bridge-passageway, establishing a “cultural link” to the city. Wooden sculptures designed by wood artists for International Wooden Sculpture Festival, and glass and ceramic works that are produced in Odunpazarı Glass Ateliers are being exhibited in this museum. The juxtaposition of art-play-production-exhibition-greenery-relaxation-activities and different age groups reveals itself in the bridge museum as well as in the whole area .
“Hamamyolu Urban Deck”項目的主要目的是將舊中心以全新的方式帶回城市,並與城市建立多種聯繫,將各種不同的元素融入城市空間,讓各個年齡段的人都享受到社交的樂趣,將這些元素自然地融入生活中,並創造一個可以每天體驗新發現的城市生活背景空間。
The main purpose of “Hamamyolu Urban Deck” project is to bring the old center back to the city with a fresh manner, to create multiple links with the city and to incorporate unique elements that become social enjoyments for people of all ages into the urban space , to include these elements in the flow of life naturally, and to create a background for urban life with the spaces that can be experienced by rediscovering everyday.
項目地點:土耳其 埃斯基謝希爾
設計:Yazgan Design Architecture
照片:Soner Simsek, Yunus Ozkazanc
項目使用的品牌/產品:TherraWood、Isiklar Tugla、Fiberli LED照明
Project name: Hamamyolu Urban Deck
Design year & Completion Year: 2016 & 2018
Project location: Eskisehir / Turkey
Landscape Area: 25.000 sqm
Clients: Odunpazari Municipality
Design: Yazgan Design Architecture
Photo credits: Soner Simsek, Yunus Ozkazanc
Brands / Products used in the project: TherraWood, Isiklar Tugla, Fiberli LED Lighting