林间展亭 / Sol Camacho
RADDAR Archiecture:Casa de Vidro花園中的Summer Pavilion(夏亭)是由建築師Sol Camacho設計的一個臨時結構,在12月至3月的溫暖季節用於舉辦活動。 “為了激活住宅的其他空間,我在Casa de Vidro主要的沙龍中舉辦了MASP展覽Sonia Gomes – Still,這激發了我在花園中建造一個臨時結構的想法,以供將來呈現多樣化的文化項目和大型籌款活動。” Waldick Jatobá 研究所執行主任解釋道。
RADDAR Archiecture:The Pavilhão de Verão (Summer Pavilion) in the garden of Casa de Vidro is a temporary structure, designed by architect Sol Camacho, built to receive events during the warm months from December to March. Waldick Jatobá – Executive Director of Instituto Bardi explains: “The intention of activating other spaces of the House, while Casa de Vidro hosts MASP exhibition Sonia Gomes – Still I rise in its main salon, triggered the idea of building a temporary structure in its garden to present a diverse cultural program and a big fundraising event”.

學院的創始人Pietro Bardi和Lina Bo Bardi是藝術各個領域的文化倡導者。展館以這種方式延續了在一個新的開放空間促進文化和教育活動的使命。該空間可容納多達220名客人,為成人和兒童舉辦的音樂和舞蹈表演、建築、藝術和設計講座、繪畫、園藝課程,甚至烹飪活動都是多樣化項目的一部分。展館也為經常來參觀玻璃屋的遊客提供了一個機會,讓他們有更多的時間在花園中度過,喝杯咖啡或吃頓午餐,並從這個地方獲得靈感。
Pietro Bardi and Lina Bo Bardi, founders of the Instituto, were big cultural promoters in all areas of the arts. The pavilion in this way continues the mission of promoting cultural and educational activities in a new open space that can receive from small groups up to 220 guests. Music and dance performances, lectures on architecture, arts and design, courses on drawing, gardening and even culinary events, for adults and children are part of the diverse program. The pavilion is also an opportunity for regular visitors to the Glass House to spend more time in its garden, have a coffee or lunch and be inspired by the place.

Sol Camacho最初的靈感來自Lina Bo Bardi的短暫結構和其他建築項目,比如薩爾瓦多巴伊亞的Quati餐廳。展館的有機線條來源於周圍的樹木,工作室的入口,以及它所在的石頭坡道,都遵循空間的可能性,同時提供了與玻璃房子之間的新關係,也使人能夠更加靠近宏偉的原生樹木。
Sol Camacho was firstly inspired by Lina Bo Bardi's designs of ephemeral structures and other architecture projects like the Quati restaurant in Salvador de Bahia. The pavilion's organic lines draw from a careful study of the surrounding trees, the access to the Studio, and the stone ramp where it sits, following the possibilities of space while offering new relationships with the Glass House and a closer proximity to magnificent trees.
▼維德羅故居的建築示意圖 Diagram of constructions in the Casa de Vidro site

▼展亭和玻璃房 Isometric Line Drawing Pavilhao de Verao and Casa de Vidro

“這個住宅代表了自然與事物的自然秩序之間的一種交流嘗試,一種最少反對自然元素的防御手段。”——1958年,Lina Bo Bardi。 “我根據這些話開始了這個項目,莉娜完全通過與自然互動,思考並設計著她的房子。四十年來,她創造、種植並管理著玻璃屋的花園,花園和房子相輔相成,展館必須遵循這一理念。” 索爾說道。
“This residence represents an attempt of communion between the nature and the natural order of things, opposing to the natural elements the least number of means of defense.” – Lina Bo Bardi in 1958. “With these words I started the project, Lina thought and designed her house in total interaction with nature. She created, planted and took care of the garden of the Glass House for four decades. The garden and the house complement each other. The pavilion had to follow this idea.” Sol explains.

第一次在玻璃房子附近安置一個新的結構並將其插入花園是一個巨大的挑戰。它似乎沒有剩餘空間了,所有的樹木都測量過了,而且這個平台超越了現有的石頭坡道,有時還融入樹林中,這就是所有場地條件。 “界定邊界和長椅的蜿蜒線條幾乎是自然形成的,只是勾勒出了平台懸挑的大概。由此產生的“ameba”很快與Lina為花園設計的低矮擋土牆和扶手聯繫起來。黑色柱子融合成樹木支撐著木質天篷的設計,也遵循了與環境相融合的邏輯理念。”
Placing for the first time a new structure close to the Glass House and inserted in the garden was a big challenge. It seemed to have almost no room for it. All trees were measured and the idea of the platform surpassing the existing stone ramp, in some moments incorporating the trees was the answer to the site. “The sinuous lines that define the border and benches came almost naturally just by sketching the possibilities of the platform's overhang. The resulting 'ameba' quickly related with the surrounding low retaining walls and handrail that Lina designed for the garden. The idea of the black pillars merging as trees and sustaining the wooden canopy also follows the logic of blending with the context.”

雖然展館的結構看起來“技術含量很低”,但卻包含了大量的工藝技術。展館的形狀就是用了交叉疊層木材(CLT)材料才製成的。這種材料雖然在美國和歐洲已被廣泛使用,但在巴西才剛剛開始作為一種建築材料使用。 “Casa de Vidro是聖保羅為數不多的談論、展示和促進關於當代建築的文化機構之一;用CLT建造展館有一個明確的意圖,即在巴西的背景下談論新材料和建造的可能性。 ”建築師如是說。
While the pavilion's structure seems 'low tech', there is a great deal of technology involved. The shape was possible thanks to the material: cross laminated timber (CLT). This material, although widely used in the US and Europe, it is only starting as a construction possibility in Brazil. “Casa de Vidro is one of the few cultural institutions in Sao Paulo that speaks, exhibits and promotes the conversation about contemporary architecture; the idea of building the pavilion with CLT had a clear intention to speak about new materials and possibilities of construction in the Brazilian context.” says the architect.
▼施工過程 Construction

“展館是對住宅的臨時干預,其臨時性是項目的重要組成部分。玻璃屋在1986年就被列入了巴西所有遺產組織的名錄,在這個保存下來的遺址中,設計、房屋框架和材料的選擇也很重要。”董事會主席Sonia Guarita說道。
“The pavilion is a temporary intervention in the House and its temporality is an essential part of the project. The design, framing the house, and the choice of the material was also important within the context of this preserved heritage site. The Glass House is listed in all instances of the heritage organizations of Brazil since 1986.” affirmed Sonia Guarita – president of the Board.

這座臨時結構的內部開放取得了巨大成功,為該機構舉辦了有史以來的首次籌款活動,當地名人Maria Bethania在這為250名來賓演唱。公眾開幕式將於本週日16日(2018.12.16)舉行,屆時將有來自Paraisopolis社區的芭蕾舞表演。
A private opening of this ephemeral architecture was a big success, hosting the first ever fundraising event for the Instituto where the local celebrity Maria Bethânia sang for the audience of 250 guests. The public opening will be this Sunday 16th (2018.12.16) with a Ballet performance from the community of Paraisópolis.
開放時間:2018年12月15日- 2019年3月23日
客戶:Casa de Vidro
建築設計:M.Arq Sol Camacho
團隊:Flora Milanez, Alina Paias
工程:Engineer Alan Dias
Open: December 15, 2018–March 23, 2019
Client: Casa de Vidro
Project: Pavilhão de Verão ( Summer Pavilion )
Architect: M.Arq Sol Camacho
Team: Flora Milanez, Alina Paias
Engineering: Engineer Alan Dias
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