泰国曼谷科切尔绿色公寓 / LAB


Chor Cher公寓住宅景觀是由LAB負責景觀設計的現代簡約風格住宅景觀作品,公寓花園採用平行四邊形的構圖元素,不管是整體構圖還是種植池、景觀座凳均採用平行四邊形這一基本形。 Chor Cher公寓住宅景觀採用混凝土材料,營造出整體感強、質樸的現代風格景觀。

The Chor Cher apartment landscape is a modern minimalist style residential landscape designed by LAB. The apartment garden adopts parallelogram composition elements. The basic shape of the parallelogram is adopted for both the overall composition and the planting pond and the landscape bench. The concrete landscape of the Chor Cher apartment landscape creates a holistic, rustic and contemporary look.

設計公司:Landscape Architects of Bangkok

Project name: Chor Cher
Project type: Apartment
Location: Thailand
Designer:Landscape Architects of Bangkok

