泰国住宅公寓“起伏的折线”庭院景观 / Lanscape architects 49


I.D. Asoke Ratchada是位於Dindaeng路的一幢(30層)高層住宅項目。並靠近拉瑪九世路口。景觀區位於一樓。設施特色包括游泳池,按摩浴缸,游泳池旁的生活區、多功能區、衛生間和通道。

A Space ID Asoke Ratchada is a (30 storey) high-rise residential project which is situated on Dindaeng Rd. and close to Rama IX intersection. Landscape area is located on the ground floor.The facility features contain swimming pool, Jacuzzi, living area by the pool, multipurpose area, restroom and pathway.


Landscape area is located on the ground floor around the buildings will be a recreation place for the residents. Besides, it works as a buffer in order to filter outside pollutions from the main road and the overpass such as air, dust, toxic fume and loudness for the accommodation in this project. Type of area is flat, narrow and long. Then, the mound is split-leveled for the perspective of dimension. The beauty respond to usability and increase the utility space by inserting of the living area, restroom and bar under the mound with shrub and grass-covered roof. Swimming pool area, pathway and multipurpose area are designed to connect together. For the privacy purpose, we are crated a decorative high wall to separate the area in the garden from the road both inside and outside the project. Using lines in any details gradually transforms straight line of the building, road, zigzag decorative wall, it leads to garden area that curve is used in pathway, shape of swimming pool and mound th at makes us feel relaxing and essential. We use a high tree around the site to be a buffer of pollution and privacy from the outside.


Project name: A Space ID Asoke-Ratchada
Location: Bangkok,Thailand
Completed: 2016
Client : AREEYA

更多:Lanscape architects 49

