新加坡豪宅丽墩苑 / SCDA
SCDA : 麗墩苑的建築和景觀設計均係出名門,由屢獲殊榮的著名建築公司WOHA和景觀設計公司SCDA聯手打造,旨在將現代時尚的住宅風格、完美的園林景觀與周圍的良木山自然保護區融為一體。
SCDA : The architecture and landscape architecture of Leendon Residence are both designed by famous firms, jointly built by award-winning architectural design company WOHA and landscape design company SCDA. The purpose of design is integrating modern and fashionable residential style, delightful garden landscape and surrounding nature reserve .

佔地 4.9 公頃的麗墩苑毗鄰麗敦公園,是第10區規模最大的永久地契住宅開發項目之一。住戶步行即可到達地鐵站,而且當地廣受歡迎的商業購物中心也都近在咫尺。此外該住宅項目還毗鄰享譽國際的新加坡植物園,這為住戶提供了一個可以休閒放鬆的公園空間。
The Leendon Residence covers 4.9 hectares of land, adjacent to Leendon Park, is one of the largest freehold residential development projects in No.10 area. The users can arrive at the subway station on foot, also there're many of the popular commercial shopping center is nearby. In addition, the internationally renowned Singapore Botanical Garden is close to Leendon Residence, which provides a park space for users to relax.
▼平面圖 Plan

開發商: Guocoland Group
Landscape design: SCDA
Developer: Guocoland Group
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