印度Godrej Platinum住区景观 / ONE Landscape
ONE landscape :此住宅发展项目位处于活力城市加尔各答的中心地带,项目坐落于原生态丛林环境之中,遍布高耸挺拔的树木,丛林探寻之旅的概念贯彻整个项目。
ONE landscape : This residential project located in the heart of the dynamic city of Calcutta and set against a dramatic landscape setting of numerous magnificent existing trees, the landscape design for Godrej Platinum is about journey through jewels.
The landscape experience begins with the arrival garden dotted with intricate pavilions as sculptures set in the lush greenery under the canopy of the existing trees. Further into the site enclosed by the two elegant residential towers is the central court forming the heart of the landscape plan.
▼绿色空间生成分析 Green spaces generate analysis
▼特色景观屏风生成分析 Feature shelter generate analysis
▼庭院家具 Courtyard furniture
A series of floating canopies connect the entrances while a spectacular water wall adds drama to the experience. A series of feature screen and water elements flow through this court creating a unique setting for this unique project.
▼白色廊亭细节展示 Details of the floating canopies
▼廊亭生成分析 The floating canopies generate analysis
▼庭院里的喷泉雕塑 Fountain sculptures in the courtyard.
▼总平面图 Master plan
▼效果图 Perspective
项目名称:Godrej Platinum住宅
景观设计:ONE landscape
客户:Godrej Realty
Project name: Godrej Platinum
Location: India
landscape: ONE landscape
Client: Godrej Realty
更多 Read more about:ONE landscape