巴林顿住宅 Barrington Residence / Eric Rosen Architects



Eric Rosen Architects: 巴林顿住宅是埃里克·罗森建筑事务所(Eric Rosen Architects)于2015年4月设计完成的一个家庭住宅,其设计概念的灵感来源于场地和环境、客户对南加州气候的室内外生活体验的渴望,以及著名艺术家戈登·马特-克拉克(Gordon Matta-Clark)的作品“分裂”。

Eric Rosen Architects: The concept for the Barrington Residence, a single family home designed by Eric Rosen Architects completed in April of 2015, was derived from the site and context, the client’s desire for an indoor/outdoor living experience afforded by the southern California climate and inspiration from noted artist Gordon Matta-Clark’s Splitting.


©Joe Fletcher Photography
©Joe Fletcher Photography
©Joe Fletcher Photography



While the descending hillside property hinted at more open eastern facing vistas and picturesque views of the Getty Museum to the north, the existing split level home was nothing short of a large barrier to these views with dark, cavernous interiors having little connection to the surrounding context and views. Of benefit to the new project was keeping one retaining wall traversing across the site along with portions of the pool shell and its deep footings. From these remnants would emerge a new series of volumes and spaces that would be a more direct extension of the terrain.


©Joe Fletcher Photography


©Joe Fletcher Photography


从戈登·马特塔·克拉克(Gordon Matta-Clark)的作品中获得灵感,第一个设计构想是切开斜坡,创建一个入口,进入设置在山坡深处的主要水平空间。这个片区从外面开始,一系列偏置的混凝土平台漂浮在潺潺作响的水景上,毗邻一个大型板状混凝土挡土墙。该区域的内部空间是主要的入口区域,通过落地玻璃窗提供广阔的视野,落地玻璃窗的顶部有一个大的玻璃天花板——是穿过建筑物屋顶线通向天空的一个切口。切口继续向下延伸,悬臂混凝土楼梯踏板沿着墙壁延伸,通向一个公共但更私人的聚集空间,两侧是主卧,儿童和次卧在另一侧,后面是一个客人套房,最深处有一座小山。

Taking inspiration from Gordon Matta-Clark’s Splitting, the first gesture was to slice into the descending slope to create an entry to the main level spaces now set deeper into the hillside. This slice begins outside with a series of offset concrete landings floating over a babbling water-feature and adjacent to a large board-formed concrete retaining wall. The interior space of the slice is the main entry area and affords expansive views through full height glazing that is one with a large glass ceiling over head – an incision through the building’s roof lines to the sky. The incision continues downward with cantilevered concrete stair treads along the board-formed wall leading to a communal yet more private gathering space flanked by the master suite to one side, kids and support bedrooms to another side, and a guest suite behind and set deepest into the hill.



©Joe Fletcher Photography

©Joe Fletcher Photography


©Joe Fletcher Photography



To contrast this slice, the pool house rises from the ground like a displaced mass on the north side of the house, becoming an anchor to a series of ascending and descending planes. In the same way that Matta-Clark represents Splitting in his collage of offsetting photographs, the interior and exterior spaces were organized as various cascading planes spiraling around the pool house mass. These planes become a series of interior and exterior habitable spaces giving access to and enhancing the experience of the overall site. Roof becomes yard, yard becomes deck, deck becomes interior space, and all culminates in a secluded light well and zen garden at the deepest most cut.


©Joe Fletcher Photography
©Joe Fletcher Photography


©Joe Fletcher Photography

©Joe Fletcher Photography
©Joe Fletcher Photography
©Joe Fletcher Photography


©Joe Fletcher Photography

©Joe Fletcher Photography
©Joe Fletcher Photography


©Joe Fletcher Photography


©Joe Fletcher Photography


©Joe Fletcher Photography

©Joe Fletcher Photography


©Joe Fletcher Photography

©Joe Fletcher Photography


©Joe Fletcher Photography

©Joe Fletcher Photography


©Joe Fletcher Photography

©Joe Fletcher Photography


©Joe Fletcher Photography


场地平面  Site plan


顶层平面图  Upper floor plan


中间层平面图  Middle floor plan


底层平面图  Lower floor plan


A-A剖面图  Section A-AB-B剖面图  Section B-B


年份: 2015年
摄影: Joe Fletcher

Location: Los Angeles, USA
Year: 2015
Photo credit: Joe Fletcher Photography


更多 Read more about: Eric Rosen Architects


