马德里城市社区 Caledonian Somosaguas / Studio mk27
Studio mk27:工作室接受了在马德里郊区创建一个封闭式住宅社区的委托。Somosaguas是一款满足所有住房需求的“反危机”产品。该项目在一定程度上调整了“定制”的建筑细节,以适应其规模,并利用了欧洲市场提供的工业化产品材料。
Studio mk27:The studio received a commission to create a gated community of houses on the outskirts of Madrid; Somosaguas, an “anti-crisis” product that responded to the demand for housing. The Project should adapt the “made to order” architectural details for a larger scale and should use industrialized products, available in the European market.

The land occupied an entire block. The underground garage leaves the ground floor free to be used by the pedestrians and allows access to the homes for those who reside there. There are 21 houses in total, organized on 5 plateaus that overcome the uneven topography of 3.5m. The perimeter of the street is on the same level as the surrounding sidewalk. 4 different sized houses were designed following the 1.25m building module; from these there are 21 different configurations. Each house is unique.

© Fernando guerra
地块面积( 0.75公顷)与97人的预计人口比率得出人口密度为130 人 / 公顷。对比马德里门户网站数据显示的马德里人口密度为每公顷54人,这是一个富有表现力的数字。
The relation between the size of the lot (0.75 hectares) and the population estimated at 97 people results in a demographic density of 130 inhabitants/hectare. An expressive number given that the density of Madrid is 54 inhabitants/hectare, according to Portal del Ayuntamiento de Madrid.

The architecture uses simple, industrial and monochromatic materials. Visually it is difficult to distinguish the unit from the group. The mini-wave and painted in white brick façades contrast with the wooden fences that delimit the paths. A rich and abundant landscaping permeates the entire lot and spreads on it in an organic way breaking the orthogonal angles of the volumes.

© Fernando guerra

© Fernando guerra
The non-linear placement of the houses makes it appear similar to a “pueblo” with different paths inside the lot. The notion of ownership of the lot is diluted. The houses are built over a garden with common fruition and a private patio for each unit. There is a delicate transition between the private and the public.

© Fernando guerra
The relationship between the block and the city happens in a permeable way. There are no external walls and the houses themselves create a non-linear divide between the street and the block which, in turn, create breather valves and more generous gardens for the public walkway.

In the middle is the main square, a meeting place around the pool.

© Fernando guerra

© Fernando guerra
© Fernando guerra

© Fernando guerra

© Fernando guerra

The Somosaguas project is a meta-project. The permeable occupation of an urban block for pedestrians can be replicated on any other urban lot in any other city. Each block can house different equipments for common use. The Project intends to maximize collective living in the city.
© Fernando guerra
© Fernando guerra

© Fernando guerra

© Fernando guerra
▼平面图 Master Plan

▼模型 Model

项目名称: caledonian somosaguas
地点: 西班牙马德里
项目设计时间: 2011年7月
完成时间: 2017年4月
场地面积: 3,700平方米
建筑面积: 5,100平方米
地下室建筑面积: 4,100平方米
一楼私人区域面积: 4,458平方米
公共区域面积: 4,003平方米
建筑设计: studio mk27
建筑师: marcio kogan
合作建筑师: suzana glogowski
室内设计: diana radomysler
开发人员/本地建筑师: caledonian . henrique lopez granado
项目团队: carlos costa . elisa friedman . giovanni meirelles . laura guedes . mariana simas . tamara lichtenstein
摄影师: fernando guerra
景观设计师: isabel duprat
承包商: caledonian
project name: caledonian somosaguas
location: madrid . spain
project: july . 2011
completion: april . 2017
site area: 3,700 sqm
built area: 5,100 sqm
basement built area: 4,100 sqm
private area ground floor: 4,458 sqm
common area ground floor: 4,003 sqm
essential credits:
architecture: studio mk27
architect: marcio kogan
co-architect: suzana glogowski
interior design: diana radomysler
developer / local architect: caledonian . henrique lopez granado
project team: carlos costa . elisa friedman . giovanni meirelles . laura guedes . mariana simas . tamara lichtenstein
photographer: fernando guerra
landscape designer: isabel duprat
contractor: caledonian
更多 Read more about: Studio mk27