越南“花盆”住宅 House for trees / VTN Architects (Vo Trong Nghia Architects)
VTN Architects (Vo Trong Nghia Architects):在当前快速城市化的背景下,越南的城市已经远离了原始的热带森林,以胡志明市为例,整个城市只有0.25%的绿化覆盖率。过多的摩托车带来了交通堵塞以及严重的空气污染,由此,城市地区的新一代也正在慢慢失去与自然之间的联系。
VTN Architects (Vo Trong Nghia Architects):Under rapid urbanization, cities in Vietnam have diverged far away from their origins as rampant tropical forests. In Ho Chi Minh City, as an example, only 0.25% area of the entire city is covered by greenery. Over-abundance of motorbikes causes daily traffic congestion as well as serious air pollution. As a result, new generations in urban areas are losing their connections with nature.

“House for Trees”, a prototypical house within a tight budget of 155,000 USD, is an effort to change this situation. The aim of project is to return green space into the city, accommodating high-density dwelling with big tropical trees. Five concrete boxes, each houses a different program, are designed as “pots” to plant trees on their tops. With thick soil layer, these “pots” also function as storm-water basins for detention and retention, therefore contribute to reduce the risk of flooding in the city when the idea is multiplied to a large number of houses in the future.

▼总平面图 Site plan

▼建筑立面图 Elevation

▼剖面图 Section

▼首层平面图 Ground floor plan

▼二层平面图 1st floor plan

建筑设计:VTN Architects (Vo Trong Nghia Architects)
主创建筑师:Vo Trong Nghia, Masaaki Iwamoto, Kosuke Nishijima
建筑师:Nguyen Tat Dat
承建商:Wind and Water House JSC
建筑面积: 226平方米(226.50)
照片:Hiroyuki Oki
Architect Firm: VTN Architects (Vo Trong Nghia Architects)
Principal architects: Vo Trong Nghia, Masaaki Iwamoto, Kosuke Nishijima (3 principals)
Architects: Nguyen Tat Dat
Contractor: Wind and Water House JSC
Status: Built in 04.2014
Program: Private house
Location: Tanbinh, Ho Chi Minh City
GFA: 226m2 (226.50)
Footprint: 111.66m2
Site area: 474.32m2
Client: Individual
Photographs: Hiroyuki Oki
更多 Read more about: VTN architects (Vo Trong Nghia Architects)