巨石庭院 Rivermark / Fletcher Studio
Fletcher Studio:Rivermark是西萨克拉门托新建的188英亩桥区中最早的100%经济适用房。该建筑位于未来密集发展的中心的一个废弃的工业用地上,该建筑共有70套经济适用的家庭公寓,紧邻河岸、罗利菲尔德和邻近的萨克拉门托河。
Fletcher Studio:Rivermark is the pioneer 100% affordable housing in West Sacramento’s new 188-acre Bridge District. Situated on a disused industrial lot at the heart of future dense development, the building provides 70 affordable family apartments in close proximity to the riverfront, Raley Field, and the adjacent Sacramento River.

▼平面图 Master plan

All of the dwelling units are oriented inwardly toward the courtyard or outwardly toward the surrounding streets to prevent the compromise of views or light if the adjacent project should build up to the property line. Additionally, the open end of the courtyard provides an “invitation” to the future development to respond with similar openness and employ a large, coordinated design move.

The building’s distinctive entry tower serves as a beacon for the new neighborhood. Fashioned from perforated Cor-ten steel panels and visible from a distance, the open-air stair tower takes its cue from the historically industrial area. At ground level, the rust-toned stair tower cedes to a boulder-strewn courtyard, recalling the shades and shifting forms of the Sierra Foothills. This community room opens onto a shared plaza along Bridge Street, creating a flexible, publicly accessible event space. The community room offers a TV lounge, lending library, teaching kitchen, seating nooks, and materials for play.

The design is divided into two residential “bars” that relate to each other across a central courtyard and are joined by open-air breezeways. Along the north façade, the building features five levels of housing, with ground-level homes that open directly onto the sidewalk via stoops and lend an intimate scale to the relatively large building. To the south, the second bar of housing steps down one level toward a smaller alleyway, which is lined with a planted bio-infiltration swale.

The landscape design draws inspiration from the geology of the Sierra foothills and the Sacramento region. It is also inspired by pioneering video games, such as Galaga and Tempest, a pioneering video game that featured an exciting perspectival geometry. The entire project is divided into a linear two-foot grid oriented on the east-west axis. Forms and materials slide and move along this grid, as if invisible tectonic “microplates” are moving along through the spaces. The landscape is a shifting of local stone boulders and concrete seatwalls that move in and out of the project breezeways, and blur exterior and interior space.

The podium courtyard has a community allotment garden, a climbing wall, and smaller plazas. The concept for the plazas was to create an “urban tidepool”, a varied concrete wall system that offers amphitheater seating and unstructured play. The center “pool” is ringed by café lighting and topped with wires for climbing vines. The plantings at the podium reference the diverse agriculture surrounding the site, and so are arranged in rows, on a strict axis. Like the hardscape forms, the plant materials shift past each other in rows, blooming at different times, and offering nourishment birds and pollinators.

攀岩墙的设计灵感来自Joy Division专辑《未知的乐趣》的标志性封面,并结合霍华德·约翰逊汽车旅馆的配色方案。
The climbing wall design draws topographic inspiration from the iconic cover of the Joy Division album Unknown Pleasures, overlaid with a color scheme inspired by Howard Johnson motels.

The sustainable design is on track for a GreenPoint Rating of 155 points, exceeding California’s already strict Title 24 energy standards by 15%. Landscaping features drought-tolerant plantings, water efficient irrigation and storm-water-management measures. Green building materials used in the landscape include recycled-content steel and high fly-ash concrete.
Continuing the theme of natural inspiration, “The Cloud” is a custom sculpture suspended from the ceiling in the central lobby. The landscape architects developed the parametric script for “The Cloud”, and also installed the project.

▼施工过程 Construction
主创设计师:David Fletcher, Cory Hallam
项目地点:加利福尼亚州 萨克拉门托
图片:Mariko Reed
合作伙伴:David Baker Architects
客户:Bridge Housing
Project name: Rivermark
Design year & Completion Year: 2011-2016
Leader designer & Team: David Fletcher, Cory Hallam
Project location: West Sacramento, Sacramento, CA
Landscape Area: 3561.234 sqm
Photo credits: Mariko Reed
Partner: David Baker Architects
Clients: Bridge Housing
更多 Read more about: Fletcher Studio