科威特,折纸状岩石住宅 Rock House / AGi architects
AGi architects:该独栋住宅坐落在科威特Abdulla Al Salem住宅区的一角,它的设计概念源于一种有争议的对立性,这种对立是客户对完全隐私的需求以及建立标志性建筑与相邻住宅区分开来的愿望所强加而来的。
AGi architects:This single family house is located on a corner plot of the residential district of Abdulla Al Salem, Kuwait. The concept stems from a controversial duality imposed by the clients need for complete privacy as well as the desire for distinguishing the house into an iconic building from within the neighborhood.

The buildings’ structure is composed of reinforced concrete formed similarly to a folded origami, and the structure rotates around itself creating a central courtyard from which all the spaces in the house are turned towards. The openings overlooking the street rarely occur, however when they appear they are inclined to prevent views and excessive sun light into the interior.
▼屋顶 Roof

▼建筑立面 Facade

With relatively smaller spaces than the local standards, the design intent is to give maximum functional flexibility, by introducing multiple routes to enable continuous communication between different rooms without interruptions. Similar to traditional Muslim architecture, the use of corridors is avoided, instead the house is seen as a whole entity comprised of changing conditions based on the various activities unraveling throughout the course of the day.
▼庭院空间 Courtyard

▼室内空间 Interior

▼建筑剖面图 Section

项目类型: 住宅
面积:1300 平方米
地点:科威特 Abdulla Al-Salem
摄影:Nelson Garrido
主创建筑师:Nasser B. Abulhasan, joaquin perez – goicoechea
项目领导人:Lucía Sánchez-Salmón, Lulu Alawadhi
项目团队:Ma Eugenia diaz, Gwenola Kergall, Abdulhafiz Bahi El Din, Hanan Alkouh
灯光:Lara Elbaz
室内设计:AGi architects
家具供应商:Gunni & Trentino
Name: Rock House
Type: Residential
Area: 1,300 sqm
Location: Abdulla Al-Salem, Kuwait
Date: 2006-2014
Client: Private
Photography: Nelson Garrido
Main Architects: Nasser B. Abulhasan, Joaquín Pérez-Goicoechea
Project Leaders: Lucía Sánchez-Salmón, Lulu Alawadhi
Project Team: Ma Eugenia Díaz, Gwenola Kergall, Abdulhafiz Bahi El Din, Hanan Alkouh
Lighting: Lara Elbaz
Interior Design: AGi architects
Furniture supplier: Gunni & Trentino
更多 Read more about: AGi architects