EFFEKT:Game Streetmekka Viborg是一个开创性的项目,通过激活空置的工业建筑来展示街头体育、街头文化和街头艺术,将其建设成为文化馆以此注入新的活力。
EFFEKT:Game Streetmekka Viborg is a pioneering project on how to bring new life to one of the many vacant industrial buildings by transforming it into a new vibrant culture house for street sports, street culture and street art.
The surrounding landscape is filled with various street sports and street cultural functions placed within a recreational string of greenery connecting to the main city-pathway of the area
总平面图 Master Plan
The existing building originally served as a windmill factory and is a typical example of one of the many more or less identical mass-produced warehouses or factories buildings from the late 1960ies and 1970ies found in almost every suburban industrial zone in the western world. Typically constructed from prefabricated concrete panels or corrugated steel, industrial leftovers are perceived as having little to none historic, cultural and architectural value.
Designers propose to open up the opaque and introverted industrial building, and transform the impressive central factory space to a new kind of interior space: A covered streetscape opening up to the outside. Second, the existing building, (with its uninviting and worn out prefabricated concrete panel facade) is wrapped in new performative translucent skin, giving the appearance of a light and welcoming building. And last, the building is filled with new functions for both trial, parkour, basket, skate, bouldering, dance and also customized workshop areas for DJing and music production, an animation studio, maker lab, and artists studios. Social spaces and designated hangout zones are strategically interweaved into the functional program and distributed throughout the building.
首层平面图 First Floor Plan立面图 Elevation
剖面图 Section
建筑生成 Design Process
The site design takes into account the integrated function, parking and access, public connection and reusing building components.
项目名:GAME StreetMekka Viborg
项目位置:Viborg, 丹麦
客户/合作方:Viborg Municipality, Realdania, Lokale- & Anlægsfonden, TrygFonden, NordeaFonden, GAME
Project Name: GAME StreetMekka Viborg
Location:Viborg, Denmark
Year: 2017-2019
Status: Under construction
Size:4,000 m2 Building, 6,000 m2 landscape
Client /Collaborators: Viborg Municipality, Realdania, Lokale- & Anlægsfonden, TrygFonden, NordeaFonden, GAME
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