泰国关注儿童活动的售楼处景观 / Studio JEDT
Studio JEDT:Centro Chaiyaphruek-Cheangwattana2是一个丰富多彩的游戏场,人们在这尽情游乐,在儿童空间里学习。这个游戏场可以满足很多活动的需求,包括跑步、爬山、穿越隧道、跳跃、滚动、骑马、摇摆、敲钟等。孩子们可以在色彩缤纷的主次游戏场地里玩耍和学习,这里是让孩子们能更好成长的最佳空间。
Studio JEDT:Colorful playscape, enjoy playing and learning on kids space at Centro Chaiyaphruek-Cheangwattana2 main park. This playscape is for many activities including running, climbing, tunnel passing, jumping, rolling, riding, swinging, chimes beating, etc. Kids can play and learn with the color of light among primary and secondary colorful playscape. Here is the perfect space for young children to get better of growing up.
▼色彩缤纷的游戏场地 Colorful playscape

▼阳光草坪 Sunny lawn

▼售楼处前场 A courtyard in front of the sales center

▼正门 Main gate

项目名称: Centro Chaiyaphruek-Cheangwattana 2
客户: AP Thai
景观设计: Studio JEDT
摄影: Panoramic Studio
项目年份: 2018年
Project : Centro Chaiyaphruek-Cheangwattana 2
Owner : AP Thai
Landscape Architect : Studio JEDT
Photographer : Panoramic Studio
Project Year : 2018
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