像素乐园 / 100architects
100architects : “PIXELAND像素乐园”是一个公共空间美化项目,它将不同的户外设施组合在一个整体空间中,如特色景观、儿童游乐设施、成人休闲设施等。
100architects: PIXELAND is a public space beautification comprising a combination of different outdoor facilities in a single space, such as landscape features, playscape features for kids and leisure features for adults.
▼项目鸟瞰 Site Aerial

The project is inspired by the digital concept of pixels. While a pixel is the smallest independent sample of an image with its own RGB or CMYK color information, it is the combination of numerous pixels what results in any given digital image.

Transferring this idea to the spatial organization strategy of the project, we thought of creating a multifunctional public space by the addition and combination of smaller independent functional pixels. While each of the pixels has its own function and characteristics and could be read as an independent entity, the combination of all of them results in a very eye-catching and playful general multifunctional public space.
▼像素的组合创建出了一个多功能的公共空间 The combination of the pixels results in a multifunctional public space.
鉴于合适承载人群活动的最小空间单位为5 x 5米,此项目的核心像素区则是2.5 x 2.5米和1.25 x 1.25米的小像素。这种模块化方法的使用解决了边缘通行, 行人流通和边缘景观的问题。
The main pixel used in the core of the project is a perfect square of 5 x 5 m., as the minimum space to host functions suitable for a group of people, while as we get closer to the borders, smaller pixels of 2,5 x 2,5 m. and 1,25 x 1,25 m. are introduced as a modular approach to solve the accesses, the pedestrian circulation and the landscape in the border.
Surrounded by small pixels of greenery as a border solution to provide privacy and safety confining the playscape, the plaza is also equipped with lounge resting areas, picnic areas with seats & tables, seating box structures to provide shadow, sunken communal benches, sloped lawns to lay down and small amphitheaters for gatherings.
▼小像素的绿色植物围合,一定程度上为广场提供了私密性和安全屏障 Surrounded by small pixels of greenery as a border solution to provide privacy and safety confining the playscape.

Besides the leisure features, Pixeland also counts with a wide range of playful features scattered around, culminated with a voxelated Horse-themed playground in the middle of the plaza, for the joy and entertainment of the younger visitors.
▼中央以马匹为主题的主题游乐场为年轻游客带来欢乐和趣味 A Horse-themed playground in the middle of the plaza brings the joy and entertainment of the younger visitors.

The checkered plaza has been developed in a multilevel way, providing an interesting artificial topography growing in height towards the center, where the voxelated horse is strategically placed on the top.

▼黄蓝色系的游乐设施 Recreation facilities in yellow and blue
▼总平面图 Plan
设计团队:Marcial Jesús, Javier González, Stefanie Schramel, Marta Pinheiro, Lara Broglio, Mónica Páez, Keith Gong.
摄影:Amey Kandalgaonkar
Project name: Pixeland
Design: 100architects (Shanghai)
Design team: Marcial Jesús, Javier González, Stefanie Schramel, Marta Pinheiro, Lara Broglio, Mónica Páez, Keith Gong.
Client: Dowell Real Estate
Size: 1,560 m2
Completion: January 2019
Location: Mianyang, Sichuan Province, China
Photography: Amey Kandalgaonkar
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