广场上的圆形冰块艺术装置 / Studio Olafur Eliasson
Studio Olafur Eliasson:“Ice Watch”冰块装置由极地冰块做成,旨在鼓励公众为应对气候变化作出切实努力,该装置的设计实施得到了Bloomberg慈善机构的支持。享有盛誉的视觉艺术家Olafur Eliasson与杰出的地质学家Minik Rosing合作,共同推出了这个大型的公共艺术品。“Ice Watch”装置将向公众展示来自格陵兰岛努克外围峡湾的80吨冰块,以此鼓励公众携手应对气候变化。
Studio Olafur Eliasson: With support from Bloomberg Philanthropies, glacier ice installation Ice Watch aims to encourage public action against climate change. Acclaimed visual artist Olafur Eliasson, in collaboration with distinguished geologist Minik Rosing, announced the upcoming launch of a major public artwork on display. Supported by Bloomberg Philanthropies and realised in partnership with creative sustainability charity Julie’s Bicycle, Ice Watch will showcase 80 tonnes of ice from a fjord outside Nuuk, Greenland with the aim of inspiring public action against climate change.

Twelve large blocks of ice cast off from the Greenland ice sheet are harvested from a fjord outside Nuuk and presented in a clock formation in a prominent public place. In the days following, the ice will be allowed to melt in the square, offering the general public a glimpse at climate change on our planet. The first installation was in Copenhagen, at City Hall Square, from 26 to 29 October 2014, to mark the publication of the UN IPCC’s Fifth Assessment Report on Climate Change. The second installation took place in Paris, at Place du Panthéon, from 3 to 13 December 2015, on the occasion of the UN Climate Conference COP21, and the third version of Ice Watch was on view from 11 December 2018 to 2 January 2019 at two locations in London – outside Bloomberg’s European headquarters and in front of Tate Modern.

Olafur Eliasson表示:“我们如今可以获得可靠的数据,这些数据能够清晰地说明将要发生的事情,以及我们该如何应对。让我们珍惜这个独一无二的机会——我们,还有这个世界,现在有能力行动起来,而且是必须行动,让我们一起把气候知识转化为气候行动。作为一名艺术家,我希望我的作品能打动人,这能让以前看起来非常抽象的东西变成现实。艺术有能力改变我们对世界的看法和观点,Ice Watch冰雕让当下的气候挑战变得切实可见,我希望这能激励大家共同为遏制气候变化而做出努力。”
“Today we have access to reliable data that sheds light on what will happen and what can be done,” said Olafur Eliasson. “Let’s appreciate this unique opportunity – we, the world, can and must act now. Let’s transform climate- knowledge into climate action. As an artist I hope my works touch people, which in turn can make something that may have previously seemed quite abstract more a reality. Art has the ability to change our perceptions and perspectives on the world, and Ice Watch makes the climate challenges we are facing tangible. I hope it will inspire shared commitment to taking climate action.”
▼夜景 Night view

根据天气情况,Ice Watch装置预计将持续到峰会的最后一天,剩余的冰将被挪到当地的学校和文化机构,作为扩大社区教育计划的一部分。
Depending on weather conditions, Ice Watch is expected to be on view until 11 December, the last day of the conference. Remaining ice will then be brought to local schools and cultural institutions as part of an extended community educational programme.
▼公众切身感受冰的变化 The general public feel the change in the ice by themselves.

该项目将与Julie’s Bicycle合作实现,Julie’s Bicycle是一家倡导文创产业可持续发展的主流非盈利组织。Ice Watch雕塑和其他300多项艺术活动一起在ArtCOP21峰会上展出,它们不仅支持了此次会谈的开展,还支持了由COAL、On the Move和Julie’s Bicycle促成的文化政策制定者座谈会的开展。
The project will be realised in collaboration with Julie’s Bicycle, a leading not-for-profit organisation advocating for sustainability in the cultural and creative industries. Ice Watch is featured on ArtCOP21 with over 300 other arts events, which are supporting the talks as well as a symposium for cultural policy makers facilitated by COAL, On the Move and Julie’s Bicycle.

It is a core project of the initiative Artists4ParisClimate2015, which aims to mobilise public opinion around climate change, through interventions in public space by major international artists. On 9 December, a charity auction will be conducted at Christie’s Paris, with artworks being sold to support a range of actions with UN supported NGOs to combat desertification and climate change in Africa, Asia, and Latin America.

《联合国气候变化框架公约》执行秘书Christiana Figueres表示:“支持这一激动人心的积极举措让我感到非常开心,这不仅将以募集资金的方式帮助到那些最易受气候变化影响的国家,还将有助于推动COP21峰会作为一个重要机会来帮助各国采纳持久的全球气候协议。我希望这些艺术品能够激发人们做出有志气的选择,从而应对气候变化和荒漠化带来的问题。”
“I am delighted to support this exciting and positive initiative, which will not only help those most vulnerable to climate change through the donation of funds raised, but also help to promote COP21 as a critical opportunity for nations to adopt a durable universal climate agreement,” said Christiana Figueres, Executive Secretary of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change. “I hope that the artwork can inspire ambitious choices which lead to combatting both climate change and desertification.”
▼冰雕装置所用到的海洋浮冰 The free-floating blocks of ice

项目时间和地点:2018年英国伦敦 泰特现代美术馆/Bloomberg南栋大厦;2014年丹麦哥本哈根市政厅广场;2015年法国巴黎先贤祠广场
Project was repeatedly executed in:2018 @ Tate Modern / Bloomberg South Building, London, GB; 2014 @ City Hall Square, Copenhagen, DK; 2015 @ Place du Pantheon, Paris, FR
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