“天际线云”装置艺术 Skyline Cloud / PLAN:B
PLAN:B: 丹佛的天际线公园最初是由著名景观设计师劳伦斯·哈尔普林设计的,和他设计的其他项目一样,公园设计的目标是利用当地的石头、池塘和喷泉通过新的地形连接起公园的三个街区。由于政治因素,公园又重新进行了改造,保留了旧公园的一小部分。在这种情况下,Plan: b工作室的任务是为夏季建造一个临时设施,提升公园的使用率和活动发生率,设计师选择了在最同质、最平坦和最不活跃的街区进行设计,这个街区被停车场上方的一大片矩形草坪所限定。
PLAN:B: The Skyline Park in Denver was initially designed by the famous landscape architect Lawrence Halprin, and like in his other projects, he aimed to connect the three blocks of the park through a new built topography using local stone, ponds and fountains. Due to political decisions the park was transformed into a new flat and homogenous design that maintained small fragments of the previous one. In this context and with the task of creating a temporary installation for the Summer that would spark off the use and activities in the park, we opted to work on the most homogenous, flat and inactive block, defined by a large rectangle of lawn above the parking lot of a hermetic institutional building.
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To spark off recreational and public activities in the summer, we proposed covered modules situated halfway between the scale of a building and that of the city’s urban amenities. This scale easily allows to assemble and disassemble these structures or to move them all together between various people around the city, generating new shaded areas on the lawn to rest, read, sleep, chat or hang out, but they can also be used by public entities for larger scale events: public markets, food festivals, sport events, etc. These inverted umbrellas work like a shaded forest or a light cloud that can be stored during the autumn and winter and be used during spring and summer.

The metal structure was built using the “Unistrut” system of rods and joints: resistant, cheap and light. The roofs were made out of industrial textiles used for greenhouses. To give stability against the strong winds of Denver, some of the system´s rods connect the modules at ground level and allow to place some rocks of the region which act as weights to prevent the structure from falling over, as well as seating along the perimeter. From the center of each module hangs an industrial light that turns on at night powered by a solar panel that charges during the day.

L&R: ©Cristobal Palma

L&R: ©Cristobal Palma
构件 Component
Superior fabric stripe – Curved fabric – Metallic structure
平面 Plan
细节 Details
项目名称: 天际线云
用途: 临时装置
年份: 2013年
地点: 美国科罗拉多州丹佛市天际线公园
结构: 单杆体系
材质: 金属、布料
设计: Plan:b arquitectos
项目经理: Felipe Mesa + Federico Mesa
工作团队: Daniel Tobón; Carlos Blanco; Clara Restrepo
客户: 2013年美洲双年展
摄影师: Cristobal Palma/ Plan:b arquitectos
Name: Skyline Cloud
Use: Temporary installation
Year: 2013
Location: Skyline Park. Denver, Colorado. USA
Structure: Unistrut
Materials: Metal, cloth
Architects: Plan:b arquitectos
Project Manager: Felipe Mesa + Federico Mesa
Work team: Daniel Tobón; Carlos Blanco; Clara Restrepo
Client: Biennial of the Americas 2013
Photographer: Cristobal Palma/ Plan:b arquitectos
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