360°光反射的镜面庭院 / Festival des Architectures Vives
Festival des Architectures Vives: 在一个与时空隔绝的地方生活是一种体验,人们到这个孤立的环境中来体验他们对光的需求。放置在地面上的镜子是在对天空和低头看着它的人颂歌,而立在地面上的镜子则是对光的呼唤。温度、光线、反射、阴影,这两者的联系能够让人们在游戏中找到阳光,并提醒着人们注意这种暴露在太阳下的感官体验,以及这种体验在某些地方和场景中是多么缺失。
Festival des Architectures Vives: In a place isolated from space and time in which we progress everyday, it is about leading an experience. The urban human being experience, isolated in a environment which fills artificially its physiologic needs in light. A mirror laying on the floor is an ode to the sky to the one who looks at it, while the one above is a call to lights. Temperature, light, reflections, shadows, the association of the two of them allow to live a game in which the search of sun beams remind to the player this sensorial experience of exposing the human body to the sun and how much this experience is missing in certain places and situations.

This game of reflections brings a new perception of the architecture. It invites to take a step back and open the path to an innocent look at surrounding areas and peers, to a deep diving in a new world, to a moment of contemplation.


地点: 法国蒙彼利埃
年份: 2018年
照片版权: photoarchitecture
设计者: Judith Busson Taridec, François Cattoni, Camille Jeanblanc, Yoan Brazy
Location: Montpellier, France
Year: 2018
Photo credit: photoarchitecture
Designer: Judith Busson Taridec, François Cattoni, Camille Jeanblanc and Yoan Brazy
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