森林里的奇趣动物 Funimal Forest / Messner Architects
Messner Architects:奇趣动物森林的旅行路线穿过森林和草地,共经过八个独特的站点,每个站点都介绍了一种生活在中欧森林中的野生动物(狐狸、刺猬、蝴蝶、青蛙、啄木鸟、松鼠、黄褐色猫头鹰、野兔)。
Messner Architects:The Funimal Forest hiking trail leads through forests and meadows passing by eight unique stations, each of them introducing a wild animal (fox, hedgehog, butterfly, frog, woodpecker, squirrel, tawny owl, hare) living in the middle-european forests.

Each of these colored figures comes up with an activity associated to its behavior and character, like swinging with Bella, the butterfly, rocking with Frankie, the frog or climbing with Walter, the woodpecker.

The sculptures are made of hand-painted wooden panels. Their specific optical and tactile attraction for young and old alike is given through their graphic design, the textual introduction of each character and the games manufactured from steel, wood and brass.

The thoughtful use of materials and crafting skills underlines the importance of the surrounding landscape as a delicate context enhancing a conscious and responsible attitude towards nature.

摄影:Oliver Jaist
Completion: 2018
Location: Renon, Bolzano, Italy
Client: Tourist Office Renon
Photography: Oliver Jaist
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