丛林赛跑 Jungle Race / 100architects
100architects : “丛林赛跑”是一项1200平方米的室内活动项目,旨在重新激活购物中心内使用率较低的空间,它位于购物中心的二楼,这是一条没有任何商业店面的走廊。
100architects : Jungle Race is a 1,200 m2 indoor intervention designed to reactivate sparsely used areas in a shopping mall, occupying the entire 2nd floor and with special emphasis on one of the corridors without any commercial shopfronts.
▼视频 Video

Due to the lack of shopfronts, that corridor seemed like a back of house residual space with poor pedestrian circulation. The client envisioned to turn it into a family-oriented entertaining space.However, intervening the entire floor was challenging because the normal course of the commercial activity could not be affected by the intervention. Therefore, a 2D graphic on the ground was the approach taken, proposing a kids-oriented path within the course of the adults’ circulation. Within this conditioning framework was born Jungle Race.
©Amey Kandalgaonkar

A creative & surreal racing track throughout the entire floor of a shopping mall, which reached its peak of surrealism within the corridor with an explosion of colors and immersive graphics. Themed as a jungle, with animals and nature-related elements which added value to the immersive experience, the racing track would colonize floor, walls and ceiling of the corridor, becoming tunnel of fun, a bent surreal canvas for expelling kids’ imagination to another world.

从创造体验的角度来看,这个空间充满了惊喜和故事性,体验路线有自己的情境节奏和互动元素,让孩子和大人们都能够体验参与进来。与Squiggle Labs合作,整条走廊实现了互动照明,灯光嵌入蘑菇和交通信号灯中,每当孩子们开着小车过来,这些灯就会被自动点亮。
The space was designed as a circuit of eventful surprises, from the perspective of generating an experience, an experiential route with its own rhythm of eventful situations and interactive elements to be traveled by kids and adults alike. In collaboration with Squiggle Labs, we implemented lighting interaction throughout the tunnel, embedded in mushrooms and traffic lights, which would light up every time kids were approaching with their cars.

▼被点亮的交通信号灯(左) The traffic light has been lighted up (Left)
©Amey Kandalgaonkar

What before was a dead corridor with no use whatsoever, turned into a lively tunnel of fun where kids and parents could have some quality time together, which was what client had envisioned at first.
▼场地设计前后对比 Before-After

▼平面图 Plan

项目名称: 丛林赛跑
景观建筑师: 佰筑 (上海)
设计团队: Marcial Jesus, Javier Gonzalez, Anshuman Roy
制作: Hong Yang广告
客户: The Place(南丰集团)
地点: 中国上海市长宁区
建筑面积: 1200平方米
完成日期: 2018年2月
摄影师: Amey Kandalgaonkar
Project name: Jungle Race
Designer: 100architects
Design team: Marcial Jesus, Javier Gonzalez, Anshuman Roy
Production: Hong Yang Advertising
Client: The Place (Nanfung Group)
Location: The Place, Changning District, Shanghai, China
Built area: 1,200 m2
Completion: February 2018
Photographer: Amey Kandalgaonkar
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