多感官体验的城市花园 Zighizaghi / OFL Architecture
OFL Architecture:Zighizaghi是一个多感官体验的城市花园,由业主Miliashop和农场文化公园合作开发,OFL Architecture负责设计。该项目希望为法瓦拉市民创造一个受欢迎的魅力场所,成为城市里的一个创新公共空间,它展现了木材与植被的完美结合。
OFL Architecture: Zighizaghi is a multi-sensorial urban garden which stems from a collaboration between Miliashop and Farm Cultural Park and designed by OFL Architecture. The project springs from the need to create a welcoming place for the citizens of Favara while simultaneously donating to the city an innovative public space shaped from the perfect combination of wood and vegetation.
▼视频 Video
Miliashop’s desire to express its link with the field of biology has served as the genesis for the project, which is inspired by shapes that bees are able to replicate: hexagons. The project consists of two levels: the horizontal (the floor) and the vertical (the lighting systems).

水平层是由酚醛胶合板和Okoumè接头制成的木质构件组合而成,由于该几何构件是模块化并具有灵活性的,所以它可以被设计成不同的组合形式。垂直层由六个十四面红色棱体组成,名为“超级豆荚”(Super Pods),由发光体和扬声器组成。这些三维元素是为了纪念“Pfff”(由Citivision和农场文化公园制造的充气篷),现在的目的是通过利用艺术和建筑为城市郊区带去别样的景色。
The horizontal level is intended as an aggregation of wooden elements made of phenolic plywood and knots of Okoumè, and is designed to assume different configurations thanks to the modularity and flexibility of its geometry. The vertical level, on the other hand, is composed of six fourteen-sided red prisms, designated Super Pods, made up of a luminous body and a loudspeaker. These three-dimensional elements, created as a tribute to “Pfff” (the inflatable pavilion made by Citivision and Farm Cultural Park), are now used with the aim of “contaminating” the city’s outskirts through art and architecture.

▼十四面红色棱体“超级豆荚” Super Pods

Thanks to its interactive character, Zighizaghi transforms its external space into a dynamic environment where music acts as a vehicle between nature and visitors. Social technologies, architecture, and vegetation turn Zighizaghi into an intimate and regenerative setting that is equipped with an automatic irrigation system and Mediterranean plants specifically selected to fit with the environmental context.

▼建造阶段 Construction phases
▼MakeyMakey– 用以模拟键盘和鼠标的控制器

▼效果 Render
▼总平面图 General plan
▼透视 Perspective view
▼横向剖面 Transversal section
▼“超级豆荚”细节 Super Pods detail
项目设计: OFL Architecture (Francesco Lipari办公室)
架构设计: Francesco Lipari 和 Giuseppe Conti
项目经理: Giuseppe Grova
客户: Miliashop
项目实施: Falegnameria Leto srl, Lavorazioni metalliche Grano, Vivai Garlisi, GBR di Baldo srl
互动设计: Blu Network
照片版权: Giuseppe Guarneri 和 Riccio Blu
面积: 320平方米
地点: 意大利法瓦拉(AG)
年份: 2016年
Project: OFL Architecture (Office Francesco Lipari)
Architecture: Francesco Lipari and Giuseppe Conti
Project manager: Giuseppe Grova
Client: Miliashop
Realization: Falegnameria Leto srl, Lavorazioni metalliche Grano, Vivai Garlisi, GBR di Baldo srl
Interactive project: Blu Network
Photos: Giuseppe Guarneri and Riccio Blu
Area: 320 sqm
Place: Favara (AG)
Year: 2016
更多 Read more about: OFL Architecture