地球之星 Earth star / Gilles Brusset
Gilles Brusset:“地球之星”位于海地太子港,是一个设置在法国驻海地大使馆的花园内的雕塑景观。工程师蓬皮杜·多瓦尔(Pompidou Dorval)和他的海地团队进行了一系列的开发工作,创造了这个“神奇的作品”,一种潜伏在野外的生命形式。
Gilles Brusset:The ” Earth star ” is a sculpture-landscape installed in the garden of the French Embassy in Haiti, in Port-au-Prince. The work of successive developments with the engineer Pompidou Dorval and his Haitian teams have resulted in this “magical work”, living form lurking in the field.

Art, landscape, architecture – Since André Le Nôtre, French landscape architects have been trying to build garden architecture as carefully as architects wear to buildings. Art has been integrated into both, with, for example, statuary or sculptural boundaries. By choosing to invest the soil of the entrance sequence, the artistic project is part of a tradition of art in gardens and manifested in a French spirit: readable and clear compositions, scheduling able to co-exist in a mutual benefit architecture, landscape and works of art.

Sculpture and landscape composition – Based on the consideration of the project for the development of existing outdoor spaces, the artistic project proposes the resumption of the layout of the curbs and the central reservation in a strict geometry based on the entrance of the embassy. The work enhances the clarity of a focused composition. The play of the floor surfaces is at the service of a staging of the whole of the input sequence which renews the perspective, holds the extension and magnifies the architecture.

海地,一种鼓舞人心的形式——我们选择了海地景观中的一些形式用作新大使馆1 %艺术项目开发的塑料基质。海地的地理图形或植物形态是作品的灵感来源。根据其海岸线、红树林树根的树形结构或加勒比海棘皮动物的形态绘制了一个塑料锚,这个艺术项目重新诠释了这个图案。在大量的海地形式中,Gilles Brusset保留了事物的轮廓、表面边界和边缘设计。这些形态在旁路中伸展延伸,在大量赘生物中爆发。
Haiti, inspiring forms – A selection of forms of the Haitian landscape serve as a plastic matrix for the development of the project for the 1% artistic for the new embassy. Geographical figures or plant typologies of Haiti are a formal vocabulary of inspiration for the work. The coastlines, the tree structures of the mangrove roots or the forms of the Caribbean Echinoderms draw a plastic anchor to be reinterpreted by the artistic project. Among the profusion of Haitian forms, Gilles Brusset has retained the family of the outline of things, the border of the surfaces, the design of the edges. Often the forms stretch out and extend in bypasses, flaring out in prolific excrescences.

项目名称:地球之星(为法国驻海地新使馆的建设提供1%的艺术 使馆建筑:Exploration architecture)
景观艺术:Gilles Brusset
项目面积:320 m²(18 x25m)
企业执行:Kay consulting
造价:58 000€
Project name: Earth Star
(1% artistic for the construction of the new embassy of France in Haiti
Architect: Exploration architecture)
Location: Port-au-Prince, Haïti
Landscape Artist: Gilles Brusset
Implementation period: 2018
Dimensional Datum: 320m² (18x25m)
Enterprises Executor: Kay consulting
Cost: 58 000€
Materials: cast concrete in place + white coating
更多 Read more about: Gilles Brusset