古老公园里的新型游戏装置 Beatrix park / carve
Carve:Beatrix公园是阿姆斯特丹最古老的现代城市公园之一。公园中最古老的部分建于1938年,由雅各布·穆德(Jacoba Mulder)设计,是19世纪浪漫主义风格二战后向更实用主义风格转变的典型代表。Beatrix公园是阿姆斯特丹Zuidas地区的一部分,该地区位于市中心和史基浦机场之间的战略区域。如今,公园被挤在A10环路、西侧的贝多芬街和东侧的RAI会议中心之间。为了弥补上世纪90年代RAI的扩张,公园增加了A10、贝多芬和圣尼古拉音乐学院之间的狭长地块。这个被称为“湿谷”的区域是一个狭长的池塘,在这可以观看到更多的山丘,它的加入使公园变得更加集中,同时也将公园的新中心转变成了半岛。
Carve:The Beatrix Park is one of Amsterdam’s oldest modern city parks. The oldest part of the park, designed by Jacoba Mulder, was built in 1938 and is characteristic of the transition from the romantic style of the 19th century to the more functionalist style of the post-WWII era. The Beatrixpark is part of the Amsterdam Zuidas area, a district strategically situated between the city centre and Schiphol Airport. In the present day the park is wedged in between the Ring Road A10, the Beethoven Street on the west side and the RAI Convention Center on the eastern side. To compensate for the expansion of the RAI in the ’90s, a strip of land between the A10, the Beethoven and St. Nicolaas Lyceum was added to the park. This area, named ‘The Wet Valley’ is an elongated pond with viewing hills which positions the park more centrally whilst at the same time turning the new heart of the park into a peninsula.

With the most recent redevelopment of the Beatrixpark, Carve was asked to design a multifunctional playground on the location of the old basketball court on the ‘peninsula’. In addition to creating playground for children aged 0-6 years, it should be a play object that also attracts older children.
▼总平面图 Master plan

In looking for a sculptural form that is attractive for all age groups and at the same time serving as a meeting place, Carve designed an organically shaped sculpture that incorporates various play functions. By arranging the various functions in one object, the space around it is divided into three zones, redefining its surroundings. Inside the sculpture children can climb, slide and hang. Because these play functions are partially hidden, an exciting play experience is created.

On one side of the sculpture a mirrored wall is integrated, which reflects its green surroundings. Whilst playing or approaching the mirror wall, the reflections of playing children and passers by are extremely distorted, which provokes immediate reactions. In the second ‘armpit’ of object, a large trampoline is integrated in the floor. In the third armpit, a goal has been painted on the wall, extending the area as a playing field. Finally, one of the outer ends of the object curls up, creating a space for a large swing. With this, an omni directional play object is created, where children can play on, around and inside.

▼镜面墙 Mirror wall

▼悬挂秋千 Swing

▼攀爬壁 The climb wall

Although the object is slightly hidden between the trees, its bright lilac coating and distinctive shape creates a landmark that is visible from afar, giving a new dynamic to a former forgotten part of the park.

▼装置剖面图 Sections

设计日期:2013 – 2016
设计团队:Elger Blitz, Thomas Tiel Groenestege, Jona de Bokx, Jasper van der Schaaf, Mark van der Eng
摄影:Carve (Marleen Beek)
Date design: 2013 – 2016
Date of completion: August 2016
Cliënt: Municipality of Amsterdam
Location: Amsterdam, NL
Size: 550 m2 (total area)
Carve team: Elger Blitz, Thomas Tiel Groenestege, Jona de Bokx, Jasper van der Schaaf, Mark van der Eng
Photo Credits: Carve (Marleen Beek)
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