范承宗 – 考工記工作室:向邵族长老学习制作鱼筌(放置于河流中捕鱼的竹制陷阱),将鱼筌的制作方法用于一件装置艺术的创作,透过工作坊活动,与二十多位游客共同制作,将长老保留下的古老智慧向人们传递与分享。这次我们不抓鱼,要用它来捕捉人们的关注与脚步,驻足片刻,静静欣赏日月潭与邵族传统文化的美好。
Cheng Tsung FENG: Learn the methods for making a traditional fish trap from an elder of the indigenous Thao tribe (bamboo trap for river fishing). Then, apply these techniques to the creation of an art installation (jointly constructed by more than 20 people). Pass on and share the beauty of ancient wisdom. This art work won’t be used to catch fish, but rather people’s attention. Why not take the time to enjoy the beauty of Sun Moon Lake and Thao traditional culture.

▼画卷般的潭水与远山被框入其中,形成框景 The project creates framed views on the lake.

▼还可以透过头顶上的开口仰望天空 You can look at the sky through the opening.

▼这里是一处静谧的空间,一处静心冥想之地 Here is a tranquil space for meditation.

▼晚霞里的荃屋与日月潭,宁静而美好 Fish Trap House and the Sun-moon Lake in the sunset glow.

▼荃屋细节展示 Details of the Fish Trap House
▼荃屋制作侧拍记录:工作坊与二十多位游客共同制作,将长老保留下的古老智慧向人们传递与分享 Apply the traditional techniques to the creation of an art installation (jointly constructed by more than 20 people)

▼向老师傅学习传统编织技艺 Learning tradition
▼编织艺术研究模型 Model
▼编织细节部分展示 Details
▼设计手稿 Sketch
艺术家:范承宗 – 考工記工作室
Artist Cheng-Tsung FENG
Date 2017
Location Ita Thao Pier, Sun Moon Lake, Nantou, Taiwan
Dimensions 500x500x330cm
Material Bamboo, Rattan, Stainless steel
Photographer Chong Sheng HSU(finished and learning tradition), Chien Hao LIN, Lance WANG, Alvin LIU (workshop)
Partner Sun Moon Lake National Scenic Area Administration,
Planning Rotaion Management Consultant LTD.
更多 Read more about: 范承宗 Cheng Tsung FENG