意大利韦拉诺,“KNOTTNKINO3”徒步路线上的自然影院 / Messner Architects
Messner Architects:从韦拉诺的森林和草地景观中突显而出的三个Knottn空间——红色斑岩山,赋予了该地独特的地理特色。“Knottnkino3”徒步线路将这三个岩层与其新建的休息区连接了起来。
Messner Architects:The three Knottn – red porphyry-hills – emerge suddenly from the forest- and meadow-landscape in Verano and lend the area its distinctive character. The circular hiking trail „Knottnkino3“ connects these three rock formations with their newly created resting areas.

▼视频 Video © Messner Architects
2000年艺术家Franz Messner在紧邻“Knottnkino”的地方-Rotstein-Knott,构思并创建了一个概念——通过地形上的圆形切割创造有一个带靠背长椅的斑岩空间,并将地面圆形部分完全融入景观中,只留下一条线条形式的痕迹。
At the Rotstein-Knott – in the immediate vicinity of the„Knottnkino“ – conceptualized and created by the artist Franz Messner in the year 2000 – evolves through circular cuts in the terrain, an even, from the porphyry elaborated space with a bench and a backrest. The circular segments immerge into the landscape and dissolve. The only thing that remains on the surface are traces in the form of lines.

地面的网状线条图案是设计师Antoinette Bader设计的《风之玫瑰》(the wind rose)的原型。岩石雕刻在场地原始背景和人工介入的交汇处的斑岩的平坦地形上,为人们提供了一个思考的空间。相对于其他的复杂整合和定位而言,这种不完整更能开启自然与人工、过去与未来之间的对话。
A net of lines is the origin for the wind rose by the designer Antoinette Bader. A petroglyph cut in the even terrain of the porphyry at the intersection of context and intervention opens up a space for thoughts. Symbolically for the complex integration and positioning of the world the incomplete opens up a dialog between nature and man-made, between past and future.

Verano正上方的Beimstein-Knott因其迂回曲折和壮观的景色深受人们喜爱。Attimo装置是根据已故艺术家Franz Messner的草图实现的,它由五个座椅组成,其连线指向一条可以直达山顶的惊险路径。该装置创造的连续性仿佛Voran缆车,将Beimstein- Knott与村庄连接了起来。
The Beimstein-Knott directly above Verano wins over through its circuitousness and the fabulous view. The installation‚Attimo‘ was realized after the sketches of the late artist Franz Messner and consists in the arrangement of five chairlift seats alongside an imaginary and hazardous route directly over the rocky hill. With a spectacular view on the village the installation creates continuity of the cable car of Vöran and connects the village through a ‚Direttissima‘ with the Beimstein- Knott.

三个岩层中最低的是Timpfler Knott,这里有一种宁静的、近乎神秘的氛围。岩石上的圆形切口改变地形,形成了一个休息区。尽管这圆圈残缺不全,但作为一种永恒的象征却又可以被理解了。
The lowest of the three rock formations – the Timpfler Knott – prevails a calm, almost mystical atmosphere. Circular incisions in the rock transform the terrain and create a rest area. The circle as symbol for the eternal is despite its fragmentariness comprehensible.

从远处看,投射在场地上的光影形成了一幅精美的图画。这块场地上的狼雕塑是艺术家Micheal Fliri设计的——一只漫步在岩石圆顶的狼。这个雕塑本身和它的投影形象向人们展示了双重含义。
From the distance the delicate drawings as a subtle landmark are made visible only through the shadow play.
Micheal Fliri’s sculpture of a wolf takes part of this place – it wanders almost randomly across the rocky dome. The image has a twofold meaning – the sculpture and its shadow play.

The symbiosis of two human hands, those of the artist, result in the shadow play as the silhouette of a wolf. The hands are caught in a glove – a costume – that only allows this condition. The frontiers between human and animal become blurred, theatrical stagings interfere with seemingly mystical and archaic tradition.

▼设计图纸 Drawings
▼施工过程 Construction © Messner Architects
概念、设计和施工监理:Messner Architects
艺术家:Antoinette Bader, Franz Messner, Michael Fliri
承包商:südtirol.stein archplay
摄影及录像:Oliver Jaist | Messner Architects(建筑工地)
项目协调员:Ulrike Vent
Concept, design & construction supervision: Messner Architects
Artists: Antoinette Bader, Franz Messner, Michael Fliri
Contractors: südtirol.stein archplay
Photography and video footage: Oliver Jaist | Messner Architects (construction site)
Project Coordinator: Ulrike Vent
Client: community of Verano
supported by EU Leader
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