施华洛世奇水晶世界 / Snøhetta
Snøhetta:施华洛世奇水晶世界(Swarovski Kristallwelten)的首次开放时间是1995年,自那以后,这个旅游胜地就成为了奥地利最受欢迎的景点之一,平均每年游客人数约达60万。今年(2015年)值此蒂罗尔家族公司成立120周年之际,Snøhetta被委托参与4月30日施华洛世奇水晶世界重新扩建的盛大开业活动。
Snøhetta:Swarovski Kristallwelten (Swarovski Crystal Worlds) first opened in 1995 and since then the touristic destination has become one of Austria’s most popular attractions with an average of 600,000 visitors annually. On the occasion of the Tyrolean family-owned company’s 120 year anniversary this year, Snøhetta has been commissioned to take part in the expansion leading up to the grand re-opening of the Swarovski Kristallwelten on April 30.

施华洛世奇水晶世界由三家建筑公司(CAO PERROT、s_o_s architekten和Snøhetta)组建的设计团队设计而成。“这三家建筑公司精心打造了一个真正富有诗意的设计和语言形式,2015年4月30日开业那天,它吸引来了大量游客。这是一场国际创意人才背后力量与场地特色进行的独特对话。”施华洛世奇文化总监Carla Rumler表示,“施华洛世奇水晶世界的新建筑传达出了施华洛世奇丰富品牌的方方面面。”
Swarovski Crystal Worlds has put together a team of three architectural firms, including CAO PERROT, s_o_s architekten, and Snøhetta. “Snøhetta, CAO PERROT and s_o_s architekten have crafted a design and formal language of truly poetic tenor, which will mesmerize our visitors when it opens on April 30, 2015. The forces behind this international network of creative talents have engaged in a dialog with the uniqueness of this location. The rich abundance of facets that embody the Swarovski brand is reflected by the architecture of the new Swarovski Crystal Worlds“, says Carla Rumler, Cultural Director at Swarovski.

Snøhetta has contributed with three main elements to the expansion; a play tower and adjacent playground, a shop entrance, and a café and restaurant area.
▼游戏塔装置 The play tower

▼商店入口 The shop entrance

▼咖啡厅和餐厅区 The café and restaurant area

With the goal of having the expanded Swarovski Kristallwelten appealing to all visitors’ senses, with a particular focus on children, a new building typology has emerged in this project. Situated in the south end of the garden, the 20 meter tall playtower will foster a wide range of playing experiences on four vertically arranged levels, creating an innovative experience of space. Here children can explore and play, and amongst other things, climb freely in a 14 meter one-of-a-kind climbing net.

The tower’s façade consists of 160 crystal facets, where no two are alike. The panels are printed with an innovative pattern made from millions of tiny motifs that are linked to the history of Swarovski. The view from inside to the outside is visible at all times, just as the activities on the inside always can be seen from the outside. At night, the structure presents a spectacular body of light that magically enhances the reflections of the surrounding Crystal Cloud and Mirror Pool.

▼夜晚的游戏塔 Night view of play tower

This area, for children of any age, is complimented by an innovative playground landscape under the open skies. A free-form topography of steel and wood offers children an infinite number of ways to play. Not only is it possible to enjoy well-known kinds of activities, but children additionally have the opportunity to discover new games and forms of movement.
▼创意操场 The playground

The café and restaurant area is formed as a pavilion that is embedded into the garden – organically shaped concrete structure framing the views into the surrounding landscape. Gently swinging pillars and ceilings accentuate the impression of form and light. The bright surfaces and the material, set with Swarovski Crystals, produce an effect that is beyond compare.
▼餐厅内部 The restaurant interior

▼餐厅外部 The restaurant exterior

The newly designed shop entrance is crafted as a fascinating installation of light and sound – an emotional and virtual time travel. Kilometers of glowing fibers from a spiral-shaped tunnel lead the visitors into the New shopping area and an interactive sound installation expands the Space With an additional acoustic dimension.

项目周期:2014年- 2015年完成
当地建筑师:CAO PERROT, s_o_s architekten
封面照片:施华洛世奇Kristallwelten / David Schreyer
Timeline: 2014 – completed 2015
Status: Built
Location: Wattens, Austria
Typology: Mixed use
Client: Swarovski Kristallwelten
Local Architects: CAO PERROT, s_o_s architekten
Cover Photo: Swarovski Kristallwelten / David Schreyer
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