围栏艺术装置 Long Division / LeuWebb Projects
LeuWebb Projects:2019年5月,Noa Bronstein及艺术家Joi T. Arcand、Germaine Koh、Morris Lum等人在加拿大安大略省米西索加共同筹办了一个名为“Public Volumes”的展览活动。以围栏作为划分公共空间和私人空间界限,以及限制活动和细分景观的标志的“Long Division”艺术装置是此次展览的受邀展出作品之一。
LeuWebb Projects:The work was commissioned for the ‘Public Volumes’ exhibition, May 2019, curated by Noa Bronstein, and including artists Joi T. Arcand, Germaine Koh, Morris Lum and others, in Mississauga, Ontario, Canada. This large-scale outdoor installation considers the fence as a marker for exclusion and the boundaries that are drawn around public and private spaces, circumscribing movement and subdividing the landscape.

▼视频 Vide by Gerald Allain, Music by Alan Webb
虽然围栏屏障常常涉及到控制与权力等更大的相关问题,但它们同时也会起到一定的安全与庇护作用,LeuWebb的“Long Division”装置提取这种对立关系,以围栏为出发点,研究并展示了安大略布拉德利博物馆(Bradley Museum)密西索加(Mississauga)周围的土地是如何被占领、定居和殖民的。
While barriers are often implicated in larger concerns related to control and power structures, fences can also provide security and sanctuary. Drawing out these tensions, LeuWebb Project’s site-specific work ‘Long Division’ uses the fence as a starting off point to consider how the land around Mississauga, Ontario’s Bradley Museum has been occupied, settled and colonized.

这个大地装置艺术的特色在于其一系列有着离散开口的松散同心圆,它们引导着参与者在栅栏层内不断移动,并最终将人们吸引到一个封闭的中心圆环中。无论向前还是向后看,‘Long Division’都在表达对场地起始点和定居点的质疑,同时着眼于围墙向外扩展到当前和近期的国家和边界概念,边界的不可渗透性以及对移民和难民行动自由不断变化的关系和态度。
The land art installation features a series of loosely concentric rings with discrete openings, inviting participants to move within the layers of fencing, ultimately drawing people to the impenetrable centre ring. Looking both forward and backwards, LeuWebb’s ‘Long Division’ calls into question the site’s origins and settlement while looking to the fence to expand outward to the current and near-future ideas of nation and boundary, the impermeability of borders and the shifting relationships and attitudes toward migrant’s and refugee’s freedom of movement.

The artists further explain that this work “engages in a dialogue with the Bradley Museum site and adds a new critical layer that opens up questions about control, exclusion and inclusion, ultimately seeking to complicate the idea of fence through subverting its function and formal qualities, inviting the potential for play and participatory structural manipulations.”

▼冬季时的艺术装置 The art installation in winter

项目名称:长分隔: 边界、界限和障碍
设计:LeuWebb Projects
摄影师:Gerald Allain, Darren Rigo, Alan Webb, Christine Leu
Project name: Long Division: Borders, Boundaries and Barricades
Location: Toronto, Canada
Date: 2019-07-31
Design: LeuWebb Projects
Photographer: Gerald Allain, Darren Rigo, Alan Webb, Christine Leu
更多 Read more about: LeuWebb Projects