“弧形悬链”艺术装置 / Manuel Bouzas + Santiago del Aguila
Manuel Bouzas + Santiago del Aguila:在7月的第一周,一个临时装置展“Insòlit 2019”,开启了帕尔玛庭院的创意之门。该项目由Aina Bigorra、Erik Herrera和Pep Rovira共同策划,旨在通过这种临时的创造性行动,以积极参与的方式推广和展示巴利阿里群岛的遗产价值。
Manuel Bouzas + Santiago del Aguila:Insòlit 2019 is a festival of temporary installations that opened the doors of Palma’s courtyards to creativity during the first week of July. The project, curated by Aina Bigorra, Erik Herrera and Pep Rovira, wants to promote and show in an active and participative way the heritage value of the Balearic Islands, through temporary creative actions.

Manuel Bouzas和Santiago del Aguila建筑事务所在马略卡岛帕尔玛的Can Balaguer庭院(由Flores y Prats建筑事务所设计)合作设计了一个名为“悬链线和弧形”的临时装置。该方案设计灵感来源于天井石拱门和与之相反的反向几何形体,通过链状结构组合形成了一张轻钢网,上面覆盖着的塑料杯在庭院内部投射出温暖的光线。
“The catenary and the arc” a Temporary Installation by Manuel Bouzas and Santiago del Aguila architects, in the Can Balaguer courtyard (by the architects Flores y Prats) in Palma de Mallorca. The proposal takes as reference the arches of stone of the patio, and the opposite with a reverse geometry, catenaries formed light steel meshes, covered with plastic cups that project a warm light in the interior of the courtyard.

Can Balaguer是由Flores y Prats建筑事务所围绕庭院设计的一座通过石头拱门来组织节奏的古宅。我们被那些美丽的拱门所吸引,因此想要设置两个面对互为反向的几何图形装置:弧形和悬链线。它们两个一个对抗重力,另一个与之合作;一个需要质量,而另一个需要轻盈;一个被压缩,另一个被拉伸;一个是不透明的,而另一个可透光;一个提供阴影,另一个投射颜色;一个从地上长出来,另一个从空中垂下;一个已经在那儿了,但另一个并没有。
Can Balaguer is an ancient house designed by Flores y Prats around a courtyard, which is organized by the rhythm of stone arches. We are seduced by the beauty of those arches.We want to confront two opposite geometries: the arc and the catenary.One fights against gravity while the other one works with it.One requires mass while the other achieves lightness.One is compressed while the other stretches.One is opaque while the other lets light pass through it.One provides shade while the other projects its color.One grows from the ground while the other falls from the sky.One was already there while the other not yet.
▼概念草图 Concept

▼手绘草图 Sketch

▼轴测图 Axonometry

▼剖面图 Section

▼分解图 Explode

▼模型图 Model

建筑师:Manuel Bouzas & Santiago del Aguila
项目地点:匈牙利 马略卡岛帕尔马
摄影:Antonio Bouzas Barcala
合作伙伴:Clara Alvarez garcia和Alexander Zikanov
Architects: Manuel Bouzas & Santiago del Aguila
Location: Carrer de la Unió, 3, Palma de Mallorca, Illes Balears, España.
Date: July 2019
Area: 200 m2
Photographer: Antonio Bouzas Barcala
Collaborators: Clara Alvarez García y Alexander Zikanov
更多 Read more about: Manuel Bouzas & Santiago del Aguila