无限环桥 / Gjøde & Partnere Arkitekter
Gjøde & Partnere Arkitekter:无限环桥建造在海边,可以让人们领略无限的海景风光。这是由丹麦建筑事务所Gjøde & Partnere Arkitekter为2015年国际双年展——“海边雕塑”所设计的作品, 该双年展举办在奥尔胡斯市的沿海区域,淋漓尽致的展现出当地优美的海滨风景。
Gjøde & Partnere Arkitekter:The Infinite Bridge is a sculpture by danish architect studio Gjøde & Partnere Arkitekter built and exhibited in connection with the international biennale, Sculpture by the Sea 2015, that takes place in the scenic coastal landscape surrounding the city of Aarhus.

Gjøde & Partnere Arkitekter建筑事务所的创始人Johan Gjøde认为:“我们为了让人们体验周围环境而创造了这个雕塑,引导人们意识到城市和海湾景观之间的关系。你走在桥上会感受到不断变化的风景,就像一幅无尽的全景画卷,就像是进入到一个与其他人进行社交互动的空间里,和他们一起领略同样的风景。”
“We have created a sculpture that is all about experiencing the surroundings and becoming aware of the relation between the city and the magnificent landscape of the bay. Walking on the bridge you experience the changing landscape as an endless panoramic composition and at the same time you enter a space of social interaction with other people experiencing the same panorama,” says Johan Gjøde, founder of Gjøde & Partnere Arkitekter.

The Infinite Bridge has a diameter of 60 meters and is positioned half on the beach and half in the sea. It consists of 60 identical wooden elements placed on steel pillars housed about two meters into the sea floor. The deck of the bridge rises between one and two meters above the water surface depending on the tide. The curvature of the bridge follows the contours of the landscape as it sits at the mouth of a small river valley extending into the forest from the beach.

In addition to unfolding the seaside panorama The Infinite Bridge establishes a connection between the present and the history of the specific site, as it reconnects the beach to a long forgotten viewpoint at sea.

“The bridge touches the landing dock of a previous pier located at the site where people used to arrive in steamboats from the city to relax and enjoy themselves. The historic Varna Pavilion that sits on the hillside above the beach was a popular destination in the scenic landscape with its terraces, restaurant and dancehall. Situated on the edge of the forest facing the sea the pavilion was meant to be experienced from the landing dock of the pier that no longer exists. The Infinite Bridge reestablishes this historic connection and offers a new perspective on the relation between the city and the surrounding landscape,” says Johan Gjøde.
▼曾经的码头 A previous pier
▼模型 Model
▼平面图 Plan

▼平面细节 Plan detail

▼轴测 Axonometric view

合作方:Aarhus TECH og Sculpture by the Sea
Project year: 2015
Project location: Aarhus, Denmark
Collaborate with: Aarhus TECH og Sculpture by the Sea
Diameter: 60m
Breadth: 2.4m
Perimeter: 188m
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