荷兰Twickel城堡历史公园 / Michael van Gessel
位于荷兰东部和将近七个世纪,Twickel是国家最大的私人庄园,直到1953年,当它被基金会接管。几乎每个世纪都发生了重大变化,公园的28公顷最近一次被重新设计的十九世纪后期由德国景观建筑师Eduard Petzold。
Located in the East of the Netherlands and nearly seven centuries old, Twickel was the country’s largest private estate until 1953, when it was taken over by a foundation. Undergoing major changes nearly every century, the park’s 28-hectares had last been redesigned in the late nineteenth century by the German landscape architect Eduard Petzold.
Renowned at home and abroad, Twickel estate offers a complete survey of different historical influences and garden styles, all integrated into a coherent harmony. Similarly, the four bridges, the temple, the gazebo and the entrance building with shop have been designed in a very modern style, which nonetheless fits the historical park. The bridges at Twickel were not as attractive and conspicuous as a landscape park requires. Like follies, they ought to serve as ornamental jewels and invitations to explore nature. Originally, Fisherman’s Island had two simple bridges. These were replaced by a single bridge, which skirts the island and spans the entire lake, providing a beautiful contrast with the lake’s undulating shore. The bridge’s wrought-iron banisters echoing the swaying reeds accentuate its length and slenderness.
Another bridge, made of corten steel, has a rusty feel and its banisters have been perforated with a leaf pattern. Visitors walking across the bridge can enjoy the sound of the nearby cascade, whose height has been accentuated to enhance the dramatic effect. The stone bridge, which replaces a recent dam, has a Palladian character, but its stone detailing reveals its modern design.