法国社区公园 Chausson’s Garden / Ateliers 2/3/4/
Ateliers 2/3/4/ :在该地区,Chandon Republique联合开发区的Chausson公共花园位于绿轴附近。评估生物多样性在法兰西岛越来越少见成为了该项目的主要问题之一。
Ateliers 2/3/4/ :On a regional scale, the Chausson’s public garden in Chandon Republique’s joint development zone is located near the green axis. Valuating ordinary biodiversity, increasingly rare in the Ile-de-France is one of the main issue of the project.

场地施工现场 Construction process

这是一个占地6.500 m²的本地花园,有着“密集”的用途,因为它建在一个有超过1500套住房的生态街区的中心。一方面需要给居民提供居住空间,包括一个教育区、一个大型儿童游乐区和厨房花园,同时也创造了一个安静的区域 (700 m²),是一个可以放松、阅读和漫步的空间。
Occupying a field of 6.500 m², it’s also a local garden, with an “intensive” use, due to its establishment at the heart of an eco-neighbourhood of more than 1.500 housings. The issue is on one part to give furnished spaces to inhabitants, constituted of an educational block, a large child play area and kitchen gardens, but also creating a quieter zone (700 m²), space of relaxation, reading and wandering.
总平面图 Master Plan
设计手稿 Draft

儿童活动区 Children Area
L&R: ©Clément Guillaume

L&R:©Clément Guillaume
安静休闲区 Quieter zone

L&R: ©Clément Guillaume

L&R: ©Clément Guillaume
L&R: ©Clément Guillaume

L&R: ©Clément Guillaume
L&R: ©Clément Guillaume

客户: SEMAG 92
景观设计: Ateliers 2/3/4/
设计团队: Agate Mordka (景观部主任), Juan Francisco Seage
用途: 公共场所、儿童游乐区和厨房花园
任务: 公共空间规划设计
面积: 6500平方米
完成时间: 2016年
费用: 2200万欧元的花园/ 400000欧元的场地
摄影师: ©Clément Guillaume
Client: SEMAG 92
Landscape Architect: Ateliers 2/3/4/
Team : Agate Mordka, (Director Landscape Division), Juan Francisco Seage
Engineer: BERIM
Programme: Public place, a child play area and a kitchen garden.
Mission: Public spaces planner
Area: 6 500 m²
Completion: 2016
Cost: 2, 2 M € garden / 400 000€ place
Photographer: ©Clément Guillaume
更多 Read more about:Ateliers 2/3/4/