Paprocany湖东岸景观改造 Redevelopment of the east side Paprocany lake shore in Tychy / RS+ Robert Skitek
RS+ Robert Skitek:Paprocany 湖是第奇居民业余时间经常去的地方。在湖岸长廊附近有一个娱乐中心,提供许多的娱乐和体育景点。Paprocany 湖的休闲区改造是另一个重点展示景观价值和扩大城市居民娱乐服务的项目。
RS+ Robert Skitek:Paprocany lake is the place where inhabitants of Tychy often spend their spare-time/(free time). In the neighborhood of the promenade there is recreation center with many recreation and sports attractions. Remodeling of the recreational area at the Paprocany lake is another project focused on exposing values of the landscape and expanding recreational offer for resident of city.

▼视频 Video © RS+ Robert Skitek

Concept is based on wooden promenade located along the bank which is alternately meandering out over the lake and back on the ground. That allows for a different perception of space from various spots of the promenade. Promenade connects with pedestrian/bicycle path running on the back side and descends nearly touching the lake where it is over the water. On a promenade there is an opening with a net streched over the water and specially designed benches which could be used as a tribunes for water sport competitions organized on a lake. Whats more, there is new sandy beach and outdoor gym. The main purpose in selecting materials was to emphasize the natural character of an area by using mainly natural materials. Part of constructions were covered by specially shaped land and planted with grass. To finish off the promenade area, benches and railings we used softwood. Other hardened areas such as bike parkings, places under gym equipment were made from completely water permeable surfaces based on mineral aggregates and EPDM granules. Sections of Promenade which are over the lake are constructed with steel beams founded on reinforced concrete piles hammered into the lake bottom. Terrain is illuminated only by energy-saving LED lights.
▼平面图 Master Plan

Land development takes about 2ha on the bank length about 400m. This terrain was only a lawn by the road before an investment, in spite of landscape vaues, completely unused except by anglers. In the first weeks after opening despite the unfavorable weather, a promenade became a place frequently visited. It became very quicly fully working public space and new meeting place. During the day a promenade is a place for whole families and in the evening the space for a dates or contemplation.

Image © Tomasz Zakrzewski

建筑设计: RS+ Robert Skitek
地点: 波兰第奇
年份: 2014年
建筑师: Robert Skitek
合作伙伴: Jakub Zygmunt, Jarosław Zieliński, Szymon Borczyk, Marcin Jamroż, Dorota Zwolak, Katarzyna Wiśniewska
照片: Tomasz Zakrzewski
Architects: RS+ Robert Skitek
Location: Tychy, Poland
Year: 2014
Architect: Robert Skitek
Cooperation: Jakub Zygmunt, Jarosław Zieliński, Szymon Borczyk, Marcin Jamroż, Dorota Zwolak, Katarzyna Wiśniewska
Photographs: Tomasz Zakrzewski
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