美国圣路易斯拱门博物馆 Gateway Arch Museum / Cooper Robertson



COOPER ROBERTSON:纽约建筑师Cooper Robertson作为国际设计竞赛获胜团队的一员,领导了一个扩建改造的Gateway 拱门博物馆的设计。该博物馆基地位于密苏里州圣路易斯沙里宁国家公园内的标志性拱门处,地下博物馆探索了美国历史上的重大事件,如托马斯·杰斐逊总统购买路易斯安那州,路易斯和克拉克1804年的北美探险,以及圣路易斯在美国西部殖民中发挥的作用。但该博物馆一直缺乏知名度,我们需要对美国向西扩张的历史进行一个更切题、更现代的故事叙述。

COOPER ROBERTSON:As part of the winning team for an international design competition, New York-based architects Cooper Robertson have led the design of an expanded and renovated Gateway Arch Museum. Located at the base of Eero Saarinen’s iconic Arch in St. Louis, Missouri, within a National Park, the underground Museum explores seminal events in American history, such as President Thomas Jefferson’s Louisiana Purchase, Lewis and Clark’s exploration of North America in 1804, and the role of St. Louis in the settlement of the American West. The Museum had suffered from a lack of visibility and was in need of a more relevant and contemporary narrative about the westward expansion of the United States.


© Nic Lehoux courtesy Cooper Robertson

▼平面图 Master Plan

© Cooper Robertson



As a work of great monumental public art, Saarinen’s Arch is imbued with meaning, technological achievement, and beauty that must be compared with the most important American icons, like the Statue of Liberty. However, with the construction of the adjacent interstate highway, the setting of the Arch had diminished its potential to inspire ideas and emotions about relevant historic topics like migration and scientific exploration. The design of the new Museum and surrounding landscape has more fully realized that potential through an ambitious but respectful intervention that interprets the spirit of the Arch and amplifies its relevance to our time.



The new Museum occupies a renovated underground space built concurrently with the Arch with a 47,000 square foot expansion to the west, and a new entrance facing the Old Courthouse, site of the landmark 1857 trial of the slave Dred Scott. The majority of the interior of the existing space was demolished and reconfigured into new galleries, public amenities, and museum staff offices. The original architectural elements of the existing public spaces were preserved, and their distinctive character highlighted with new lighting and other discrete interventions. The addition houses a new public lobby that also serves as a kind of visitor center for the entire Park, as well as a great hall with monumental and animated elements that introduce the visitor to major themes to be explored in the galleries.


© Nic Lehoux courtesy Cooper Robertson
© Nic Lehoux courtesy Cooper Robertson


博物馆的设计完全融入了国家公园景观,尊重了Dan Kiley的原始公园设计。新的圆形不锈钢和玻璃入口指的是拱门的材料和形式。这是一个放置在景观上的弧形,精确地插入到地形中,游客可以通过景观进入建筑,而不是直接从地下下降。当你进入的时候,明亮的大厅展现了深入地下博物馆规模惊人的展品,提升和活跃的游客体验,并不断吸引着人流进入。

The Museum design is fully integrated into the National Register-listed landscape and respects Dan Kiley’s original Park design. The new circular stainless steel and glass entrance refers to the Arch in its materiality and form. It is an arc laid on to the landscape and precisely inserted into the topography, allowing visitors to enter the building through the landscape rather than descending underground. As one enters, the luminous great hall is revealed with views deep into the underground Museum’s monumentally scaled exhibits, elevating and enlivening the visitor experience, and drawing one in.


© Nic Lehoux courtesy Cooper Robertson
© Nic Lehoux courtesy Cooper Robertson
© Nic Lehoux courtesy Cooper Robertson
© Nic Lehoux courtesy Cooper Robertson



A giant map of North America floats below the entry hall. Visitors and school groups can land there and walk the path of Lewis and Clark, or follow the trails of pioneers migrating west. The map is also designed as a unique space for special events. Beneath the map is a new Education Center that supports the Park’s programs which previously had no dedicated space.


© Nic Lehoux courtesy Cooper Robertson



One moves down through the hall among screens projecting life sized videos of wagon trains journeying west across an open and rugged landscape with bison and other natural features of the frontier, creating a vivid experience of the migration before entering the galleries.


© Nic Lehoux courtesy Cooper Robertson



The linear exhibition offers various ways to navigate multiple stories on single and successive visits, and merges seamlessly with the trip up the Arch, and then delivers one at its base to experience the great work itself. The design creates a coherent and memorable visit by integrating the Museum content with the Arch.


© Nic Lehoux courtesy Cooper Robertson



The Museum is fully accessible for all ages and all abilities. The design is based on Universal Design Standards that exceed the legal requirements of the ADA and federal- mandated ABAAS standards.



© Nic Lehoux courtesy Cooper Robertson



This project demonstrates that excellent museum architecture, great monumental public art, and well-designed outdoor public spaces can make great cities. It is a key component of the larger plan to connect downtown St. Louis with the Park and the Mississippi Riverfront as the underground Museum expands towards downtown and opens onto a redesigned public square that now spans over a sunken interstate highway. The new Museum and Old Courthouse create an ensemble of buildings of national significance that define a transformed public open space in downtown St. Louis. Taken together with the Arch, this will become a new destination for those interested in architecture and history, contribute to the quality of urban life for residents, and drive economic revitalization.




▼剖面图 Section

© Cooper Robertson

▼博物馆入口-后外部 Museum Entry – Exterior AFTER

© James Carpenter Design Associates

▼博物馆广场-后视角 Museum Plaza Webcam view – AFTER

© Michael Van Valkenburgh Associates

▼博物馆入口内部 Museum Entrance Interior

© James Carpenter Design Associates

▼博物馆夹层 Mezzanine

© James Carpenter Design Associates

▼博物馆大堂东视角 Museum Lobby Looking East

© James Carpenter Design Associates

▼游客中心_博物馆平面图 Visitor Center_Museum Floor Plan

© Haley Sharpe Design

▼博物馆平面图 Museum Floor plan

© Haley Sharpe Design

该项目是由非盈利机构Gateway Arch Park Foundation举办的“构建现代杰作:城市+拱门+河流”国际竞赛的成果。这座耗资9600万美元的博物馆是Gateway Arch国家公园总耗资3.8亿美元全面更新的文化中心。

This project is a result of the closely watched international competition, “Framing a Modern Masterpiece: The City + The Arch + The River”, which was organized by the non-profit Gateway Arch Park Foundation. The $96 million Museum is the cultural centerpiece of the overall $380 million comprehensive renewal of the Gateway Arch National Park.





地点: 密苏里州圣路易斯
完成日期: 2018年
客户: Gateway Arch公园基金会
摄影师: Nic Lehoux, Alex S. MaClean(如有说明)
建筑师: Cooper Robertson and James Carpenter Design Associates, with Trivers Associates
入口广场和景观: Michael Van Valkenburgh Associates
展览设计师: Haley Sharpe Design

Location: St. Louis, Missouri
Completed year: 2018
Client: Gateway Arch Park Foundation
Photographer: Nic Lehoux, Alex S. MaClean (where indicated)
Architects: Cooper Robertson and James Carpenter Design Associates, with Trivers Associates
Entry plaza and landscape: Michael Van Valkenburgh Associates
Exhibition designer: Haley Sharpe Design


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