南澳莫巴拉公园 Mobara Park / TCL
TCL:Located adjacent the Town Centre Mobara Park celebrates the sister city relationship between the City of Mobara in Japan and the City of Salisbury. The design of the park incorporates Japanese design principles while acknowledging the location of the site within the Salisbury Plains.

公园共分为三个主题花园,即“绽放花园”、“田野花园”和“流云花园”。间隔花园提供了分隔,并允许人们在公园内自由移动穿梭。每个花园都通过不同的处理方式,强调与莫巴拉和日本的不同联系。强调这种联系的元素包括成排的开花树木、好玩的圆形草丘、用于聚会的石头铺砌区域、木材铺面、一簇红色杆子、水景、定制设计的家具以及相关的种植。而Marijana Tadic的雕塑起到了加强了公园入口的作用。
The Park is separated into three themed gardens, the ‘Garden of Blossom’, the Garden of Fields’ and the ‘Garden of Shifting Skies’. Interval gardens provide separation and allow movement across the park. Each garden is treated differently emphasising different associations with Mobara and Japan. Elements that emphasise this connection include rows of blossom trees, playful circular grass mounds, a detailed stone paving area for gatherings, timber decking, a cluster of red poles, a water feature, custom designed furniture and associated plantings. A sculpture by Marijana Tadic reinforces the entrance to the park.

客户: Delfin租赁公司和索尔兹伯里市
合作方: Marijana Tadic -雕塑家
地点: 南澳莫森湖
竣工时间: 2005年
工程预算: 350000美元
规模: 5000平方米
摄影: Ben Wrigley
Client: Delfin Lend Lease and City of Salisbury
Collaboration: Marijana Tadic – Sculptor
Location: Mawson Lakes, South Australia
Completion Date: 2005
Construction budget: $350,000
Size: 5000m2
Photography: Ben Wrigley
更多 Read more about: TCL (Taylor.Cullity.Lethlean)