澳大利亚植物园 Australian Garden / TCL
TCL:In a former sand quarry, a new botanic garden has been completed, one that allows visitors to follow a metaphorical journey of water through the Australian landscape, from the desert to the coastal fringe.

▼平面图 Plan

Via the artistry of landscape architecture, this integrated landscape brings together horticulture, architecture, ecology, and art to create the largest botanic garden devoted to Australian flora. It seeks, through the design of themed experiences, to inspire visitors to see our plants in new ways.

The completion of the Australian Garden comes at a time when botanic gardens world-wide are questioning existing research and recreational paradigms and refocussing anew on messages of landscape conservation and a renewed interest in meaningful visitor engagement.

At the Australian Garden these tensions are the creative genesis of the design. On the east side of the garden exhibition gardens, display landscapes, research plots and forestry arrays illustrate our propensity to frame our landscapes in more formal manners. While on the western side visitors are subsumed by gardens that are inspired by natural cycles, immersive landscapes and irregular floristic forms. Water plays a mediating role between these two conditions, taking visitors from rockpool escarpments, meandering river bends, melaleuca spits and coastal edges.

客户:Cranbourne 皇家植物园
领导设计团队:Taylor Cullity Lethlean (TCL)和Paul Thompson
土壤顾问:Robert van de Graaff
灯光:Barry Webb and Associates
灌溉:Irrigation Design Consultants
水:Waterforms International
雕塑 – 短暂的湖:Mark Stoner and Edwina Kearney
雕塑 – 悬崖壁:Greg Clark
访客中心建筑:Kirsten Thompson Architects
第1阶段构筑:Gregory Burgess Architects
Client: Royal Botanic Gardens, Cranbourne
2006 (Stage 01), 2012 (Stage 02)
Project name: The Australian Garden
Lead Design Team: Taylor Cullity Lethlean (TCL) with Paul Thompson
Engineering: Meinhardt
Cost Planning: DCWC
Soil Consultants: Robert van de Graaff
Lighting: Barry Webb and Associates
Irrigation: Irrigation Design Consultants
Water: Waterforms International
Ephemeral Lake: Mark Stoner and Edwina Kearney
Escarpment Wall: Greg Clark
Architecture – Visitor Centre: Kirsten Thompson Architects
Architecture – Shelter stage 1: Gregory Burgess Architects
Architecture – shelter and kiosk stage 2: BKK
更多 Read more about: TCL (Taylor.Cullity.Lethlean)