湖岸儿童游戏公园 Urban Development Eutin 2016+ / A24 Landschaft
A24 Landschaft:Eutin本身是一个很好的例子,诠释了一个已经从两个湖泊之间非常有利的位置中受益的城市如何通过有针对性的干预来显著提升其身份。Großer Eutiner教堂吸引人的可用开放空间和新的道路网络让这座城市“回到水中”,湖滨地区的重新开发将有助于旅游业和当地营销,提高市民对城市的认同感。
A24 Landschaft:Eutin is a good example of how a city that already benefits from an extraordinarily favorable location between two lakes can significantly enhance its identity through targeted interventions. Attractive, useable open spaces and new networks of paths at Großer Eutiner See bring the city “back to the water.” The rediscovery of the lakeside areas will be a boon for tourism and location marketing and heighten citizens’ identification with their city.

Eutin是一个该地区重要的住宅和商业区域,也是老城市中心,以砖木结构建筑、古典建筑和巴洛克式的城堡为特色,坐落两个风景如画的湖泊之间,即Großer Eutiner湖和Kleiner Eutiner湖。该地区位于荷尔斯泰因瑞士自然保护区内,是德国北部内陆地区最受欢迎的旅游目的地。尽管位置优越,但除了历史悠久的Schlossgarten (城堡花园)之外,湖岸未建的城市地区在设计或娱乐质量方面却鲜有建树。水几乎没有得到考虑,没有道路网络,更明显的是,没有家庭和年轻人真正的体育或娱乐机会,受到地标保护的Schlossgarten suf也因其使用需求过高而受损。
Eutin is a regionally significant residential and commercial location. The old town and inner city, charac- terized by half-timber construction, classical buildings and the baroque moated castle, is situated bet- ween two picturesque lakes, the Großer Eutiner See and the Kleiner Eutiner See. The region’s positioning within the Holstein Switzerland Nature Reserve makes it a favorite tourist destination of northern inland Germany. Despite its prime location, the unbuilt urban areas along the lakeshore, with the exception of the historic Schlossgarten (castle garden), offered little in terms of design or recreational quality. The water was given little or no priority; there was no network of paths and, more glaringly, no real sporting or recreational opportunities for families and young people. The landmark-protected Schlossgarten suf- fered from a disproportionately high demand for its use.
▼平面图 Master Plan

这个湖,活跃和改善了沿岸地区对水资源的利用,并创造了新的娱乐的可能性。新的景观设计基于综合城市发展概念( ISEK ),该概念于2012年被采纳,作为城市前瞻性和可持续总体发展的非正式计划。A24 Land – schaft的竞赛设计是2016年在Eutin举行的第三届石勒苏益格-荷尔斯泰因州园艺展的一部分。最终呈现了一个新的展示、公开的当代文化景观。目前的设计参考了18和19世纪围绕尤丁巴洛克湖边城堡的花园。景观花园的视觉轴线,结合了湖泊,作为整体设计的原则。城市和湖泊之间迄今几乎看不到的联系,构成了体验Schlossgarten河之外开阔地区的基础,强调该位置的独特空间感,由内而外加强了城市的轮廓。就该地区的人口结构变化而言,Eutin对年轻家庭的吸引力与吸引更多的游客同等重要。
The citizenry was engaged in dialog to incorporate their concerns regarding the opening of the city to
the lake, invigorating and improving access to the areas along the water, and creating new possibilities for recreation. The basis for the new landscape design was the Integrierte Stadtentwicklungskonzept (Integrated Urban Development Concept, ISEK), which was adopted in 2012 as an informal plan for the forward-looking and sustainable overall development of the city. The competition design by A24 Land- schaft was realized as part of the third Schleswig-Holstein State Horticultural Show in Eutin in 2016. The result is a newly interpreted, overtly contemporary cultural landscape. The current design makes conceptual reference to the 18th- and 19th-century garden that surrounds Eutin’s baroque lakeside castle. The landscape garden‘s visual axes, which incorporate the lake, are conferred as a principle of the overall design. The hitherto barely perceptible links between the city and the lakes form the basis for experiencing the open areas beyond the reach of the Schlossgarten. The emphasis on the location’s extraordinary spatial qualities strengthens the city of Eutin’s profile from outside and from within. In terms of the area’s demographic transformation, Eutin’s appeal for young families is equal in importance to becoming a greater draw for tourists.

Seepark – Lively recreational landscape
As an antithesis to the historic Schlossgarten, the Seepark has been developed as a recreational land- scape with a diverse range of activities for families, children and youths, and in doing so it has relieved the former overuse of the landmark-protected garden. In addition to expansive areas for relaxation, it provides numerous opportunities for activity in the open air. A workshop was held for children and youths to design their own play and sporting areas. A sandy beach with a sunbathing area also has courts for beach volleyball and streetball. The themes of ‘lake’ and ‘forest’ are at play in a multifaceted and chal- lenging game world for children, which offers them something for all of their senses: they can climb as well as test their balance and dexterity; net tunnels stretch like fish traps over modelled plastic sur- faces; taut ropes with fenders can be crawled over and climbed; moving poles create a ‘wobbly forest’; and tree houses are in the works. There are places to picnic and grill throughout the entire park.

新的公园轴线,参考历史悠久的Lindenallee Schlossgarten,也起到了进入湖中的路径和视觉轴线的作用,比如木制码头,在它们的末端加宽以形成座位平台,并直接在水上创造吸引人的新娱乐机会,从这里可以看到湖泊、体育场和城堡,这里的水现在是公园不可分割的一部分。另外一个方面是有选择地进入湖岸,这有助于保护周围的海岸地区和芦苇种群。虽然进行了大量的清理工作来创建公园轴线、视线和广阔的休闲草地,但公园北部沿岸的桤木沼泽森林也得到了生态修复。
The offerings are situated along new park axes that – in reference to the historic Lindenallee in the Schlossgarten – also function as paths and visual axes that proceed into the lake as wooden piers, widen at their ends to form seating platforms and create appealing new opportunities for recreation directly at the water. With its views of the lake, Stadtbucht and the castle, the water is now an integral component of the park. An additional aspect is the selective access to the lakeshore, which serves to protect the surrounding shore areas and reed populations. While significant clearing was undertaken to create the park axes, sightlines and expansive recreational meadows, the alder swamp forest along the shore areas in the park’s north was ecologically restored.

Schlossgarten – Garden memorial in renewed splendor
The betterment of Stadtbucht and Seepark allows the Schlossgarten to be disburdened from active use and to be developed and maintained as a protected landmark. The Schlossgarten has become one com- ponent in the continuum of open spaces with alternating character along the lake. It has regained the ap- propriate form to reflect its status as one of northern Germany’s significant historic landscape gardens.

Building yard area – Vital cultural location
Eutin’s historic building yard has been one of the city’s significant cultural locations. Both the Opern- scheune (opera barn) and the outdoor stage situated directly by the lake serve as venues for the city’s annual opera festival. The construction of a youth hostel has given the grounds a practical function all year long. The two historic gatehouses together with the cubature of the youth hostel create a three-sided forecourt – framed by rose beds and benches under old trees – with a view over the lake. The design of the square combines the buildings into a picturesque ensemble while the roses embrace Eutin’s gardening tradition. The grounds create new path linkages west to the Schlossgarten and east to the new Southshore Park, which can be reached over meadows traversed by the reopened Lindenbruch- graben (lime-tree ditch). The development of single-family homes is planned for the medium term. The unobtrusively designed landscape of meadows, including a playground, remains as a new, local, publicly accessible recreational area, which creates an urban development framework while offering attractive surroundings for the planned development.

Southshore Park – New urban beginnings in the east
The wide band of the new Southshore Park creates a lead-in to the designed parks and open spaces in the urban area of Eutin by the eastern entrance of the city, providing a transition from the surrounding areas used for agriculture. A grove of apple trees hints at the horticulture practiced in the environs of Eutin. The trees on the slope leading down to the lake have been preserved and integrated into the natural shore area. Three terraced flights of steps, with adjoining ramps, lead down to the lake in unison with the topo- graphy. This wide ribbon of gardens terminates at a wooden jetty projecting over the lake. The side of the park facing the street features 24 parking spots for caravans, enhancing the location’s tourist infrastruc- ture.

The repetition of modern materials such as wood and concrete throughout the entirety of the shore area creates a design framework that makes the spacious yet highly individual open areas perceptible as a whole. With the aim of using the show as a point of departure for sustainable urban development, the overwhelming majority of preparation for the 2016 State Horticultural Show in Eutin flowed into the estab- lishment of long-term facilities.
景观设计:A24 Landschaft
施工期:2013 – 2016
图片:Hanns Joosten
Landscape architect: A24 Landschaft
Client: Stadt Eutin
Construction period: 2013-2016
Construction costs: 7 million euro
Total area: 9,5 ha
Images: Hanns Joosten
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