布里隆景观治疗公园 Landscape Therapeutic Park in Brilon / Planergruppe + B.A.S.
Planergruppe: The redesigned spa park is the attractive centre of the meadow valley with its beautiful trees, the fragrant flower meadows and hilly grassland. In the south, the park is dominated by the woods surrounding the valley and the wide meadows that merged from the lawns. The forest represents the introverted counterpoint to the open meadowland. Along the landscape therapeutic path with the spa park as a starting point there are 13 stations that stage various moods such as clarity, harmony, confusion, mindfulness, contemplation and sublimity. Here, amazing things can be discovered, peace can be enjoyed, sounds and scents can be explored, and the alternation of light and shadow can be perceived. Recurring elements such as the comfortable benches, the red colour and the explanatory lettering, integrate these stations into the overall context of the extensive landscape.
Landscape window
The landscape window is located on a small bastion which forms the ‘prelude’ and opens up towards the entire site of the landscape therapeutic way.
▼面向公园的景观窗形成的框景 The landscape window towards the therapeutic garden which frames views the garden beyond

The forest narrow bridges lure the hiker into the mysterious penumbra. They lead into the romantic atmosphere of moss and fern-covered stone formations to the buried entrances of mysterious grottos.

Fairy sound
When following the meadow path, the hiker at times hear bells ring softly from which he/she is lured up the slope on a zigzag path. The sound of small bells in the wind adumbrates the flight of the forest fairy. In case of doldrums the rope can be used to make them ring.

At the corner of the forest the visitor steps out of the shadow into the light. From the stances there is a particularly impressive view over the wide grassland and towards the distinctive spruce group on the horizon. The view changes from the narrowness of the forest to the open expanse of the grassy hilltop.

Ski jump
Freed from the proliferating green, the former fascinating ski jump presents itself over a long narrow meadow slope and gives a breathtaking view into the depths and into the distance. The balustrade of the jump-off platform juts out diagonally across the path and gives the hiker a hint to the feeling of flying. The head of the ski jump is marked by a ten-meter-high rocking swing scaffold.

Path spider
On the eastern slope side, the path spider causes some surprise and confusion. Red oak beams follow the course of the path borders, marking this unusual crossing of three paths. Hikers can rest and orientate themselves.

Fairy wreath
High above the path, a fairy wreath shines red-shimmering in the diffuse light of the tall forest. The ring of colored acrylic glass captures and bundles the daylight.

Poetry glade
A woodchip of split oak wood circularly frames a recessed glade in the forest. A narrow path leads into the light circular frame, a place to pause, to listen in, a retreat to read and read out aloud.

At the end of the path through the forest several hammocks – located on the edge of the forest and partly shaded by red awnings – invite the hiker to relax. The view through the treetops into the sky and the clouds is complemented by the scent of the forest and meadow flowers.

Old town view
Opposite the lakeside terrace, there is a view over the ponds towards the silhouette of the old town and St. Peter’s and St. Andrew’s church. A small square with benches draws the attention to this impressive view. A new aqueduct to the ponds is staged as a small fountain on the slope.

Lake terrace with cherry grove
The potential of the existing lake terrace was unleashed by removing the fencing of the ponds and by surrounding planting in order to bring the experience of water to the foreground. Furthermore, generous steps on the lakeshore allow direct access to the water. A lovely cherry grove replaces the formerly oversized plaza in the North, and a delicate pergola forms the ‘prelude’ to the lake promenade.

▼宽阔的滨水大台阶 Generous steps on the lakeshore

▼平面图 Master Plan

项目: 布里隆森林景观治疗公园
地点: 德国布里隆
建设方: 德国布里隆市
景观设计: Planergruppe Oberhausen 和 B.A.S. Kopperschmidt & Moczalla (德国)
项目规划: 2012年至2013年
项目建设: 2013年至2015年
面积: 4500公顷
Project: Landscape Therapeutic Park In The Brilon Forestries
Location: Brilon (Germany)
Constructor: City Of Brilon (Germany)
Landscaping Architects: Planergruppe Oberhausen and B.A.S. Kopperschmidt & Moczalla (Germany)
Planning Period: 2012 To 2013
Realization: 2013 To 2015
Area Surface: 4,5ha
更多 Read more about: Planergruppe + B.A.S.