墨西哥城市生态空间 Citizen Garden / Práctica Arquitectura
Práctica Arquitectura:该市民花园的设计故事可以从项目形成之前的一段时间开始说起。2014年10月,新莱昂州立法机构宣布要在这块土地上建设一个停车场,潜在的公共支出为5500万比索(约合400万美元),这一举动引发了公众的强烈抗议。一群市民和民间组织在2015年1月占领了该地块13天,以抗议这一决定,并提议将该地块变成一个绿色公共空间,来提高人们的生活质量。
Práctica Arquitectura:The history of the Jardín Ciudadano or Citizen Garden goes back some time before the current project took shape. In October 2014, Nuevo León’s state legislature announced construction of a parking lot on the property with a potential public expenditure of 55 million pesos (approximately US$4 million), provoking a public outcry. A group of citizens and civil organizations protested against this decision, and in January 2015 they occupied the site for 13 days, and proposed to turn the lot into a green public space that could improve people’s quality of life.

2017年3月,墨西哥举行了一次设计这个城市公园的公开招标,预算为90万比索(约合5万美元)。在160支参赛团队提交的72份提案书中,Practica Arquitectura的参赛作品赢得了此次比赛,我们有责任去恢复这个空间,并让它得到应有的利用。从一开始,团队就清楚地意识到这是一个被荒废了的公园,而这也正是我们去打造一个花园的完美时刻。
In March 2017, a public tender was held to design a Parque Ciudadano with a budget of $900,000 pesos (or around US$50,000) allocated for its construction. Out of a total of 72 proposals submitted by 160 teams, Práctica Arquitectura’s entry won the competition and the responsibility to recover this space and give it a well-deserved use. From the outset it was clear to the team that a park would be a wasted opportunity, and that this was a perfect moment to make a garden.

▼平面图 Master plan

The initial plan to create a public park did not fully reflect the relationship and nature that the site expressed; parks are spaces that are generally more open and less confined. The immediate surroundings and use of the place sparked an interest in exploring the idea of a garden instead. The citizens of Monterrey generally lack access to green spaces, and by planting this idea in our collective imagination we were able to nourish our identity and change how we live in the city’s downtown areas.

This garden can be understood as a house with a central patio, where the central lawn expresses the idea of an open and social space, free of program and accommodating a variety of uses. Niches are placed in each corner and contain this “patio”; each niche has its own character and responds to its context. As naturally defined shelters, these four spaces generate an intimate atmosphere. The landscape is the material that teaches us how to inhabit space.
Gardens offer intimacy, profuse vegetation to create boundaries and provide orientation, semi-labyrinthine paths to lead us to new discoveries and places in which to contemplate the shadows, transitions from large to small spaces revealing surprises along the way, planes of light and shadow. They inspire stories and give us the opportunity to pause and linger in quiet places with so much to say. Its matter is alive; it grows and reacts, changing its scent, colors, and shapes. It becomes a new citizen.

This project represents a fresh approach to downtown living. A common meeting space where we can share ideas, get to know each other, express ourselves, and improve as citizens; somewhere to experience a world of silence and mystery. When we reject history, we abandon our search for memory, causing a sense of detachment from human qualities. The Jardín Ciudadano is the reflection of the struggle to promote spaces that people can remember, value, and share with new generations, not only intended for recreation but also for contemplation, permanence, and identity.
The project recently received an Honorable Mention at the 21st Pan-American Architecture Biennial of Quito in 2018, in the Urban Design and Landscape Architecture category, a prize awarded for the best rehabilitation projects in urban public spaces in the Americas.
▼手稿过程图 Drawing process

▼中央水池手稿 Central pool drawing

▼中央水池剖面图 Section of the central pool

▼中央水池效果图 Perspective of the central pool

▼场地模型图 Model
设计公司:Práctica Arquitectura
建筑师:David Martínez Ramos
设计团队:jose Roberto Flores Buzo, Eduardo Sosa trevino, katya Valenzuela Williams, adrian garcia martinez, Lorena frias Ramos和andres Dillon ortiz
照片:cesar Bejar, The Raw, Archivo Práctica Arquitectura
Project: Jardín Ciudadano
Firm: Práctica Arquitectura
Architect: David Martínez Ramos
Design team: José Roberto Flores Buzo, Eduardo Sosa Treviño, Katia Valenzuela Williams, Adrián García Martínez, Lorena Frías Ramos, and Andrés Dillon Ortíz
Location: Monterrey, Mexico
Plot size: 13,993.08 sq. ft.
Photo credits: César Bejar, The Raw, Archivo Práctica Arquitectura
Completion date: 2018
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