斯卡伯勒海滩改造 / TCL and UDLA
TCL:Perth’s famous Scarborough Beach has been remade into one of Australia’s best urban beach precincts.
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该项目由城市重建局(Metropolitan Redevelopment Authority)与斯特灵市政府合作完成,由TCL和UDLA联合设计,将一个原本互不相连、停车场占主导的海滨场所改造成了一个充满活力的以行人为中心、以康体为主题的街区。
Delivered by the Metropolitan Redevelopment Authority in partnership with the City of Stirling and Designed by a TCL and UDLA-led consortium, the project transformed a previously disconnected and carpark-dominated beachfront into a lively, pedestrian-focused precinct that celebrates health and wellness.

Central to the project is a world-class skate and bouldering space called ‘The Snake Pit,’ designed in collaboration with Enlocus, which includes a 3.6-meter, competition-grade skate bowl for local use, events and global competitions.

The design for the foreshore introduced two main pedestrian promenades that provide improved circulation and frame new amenities and recreational opportunities. The upper promenade connects to retail and food and beverage outlets, civic plazas and new development zones, while the lower promenade provides opportunities for jogging, cycling and other active uses.

市民空间“斯卡伯勒广场”在海滩和海滨大道之间,它是人们前往前海岸的主要通道,场地上包括一组由泰勒·罗宾逊·切尼·布罗德里克(Taylor Robinson Chaney Broderick)设计的标志性遮荫凉棚。凉棚的设计灵感来自于自然系统和几何结构中的“泰森多边形”(是一个很有意思的图形模式,既有数学的逻辑,又有自然的变性法则),这是与当地艺术家沙林·伊根(Sharyn Egan)合作开发的。
‘Scarborough Square’ is a new civic space that sits between the beach and The Esplanade. The square is the main arrival to the foreshore and includes a set of iconic shade arbors designed by Taylor Robinson Chaney Broderick. The arbors were inspired by the ‘voronoi’ structure found in natural systems and geometries and were developed in collaboration with Aboriginal artist Sharyn Egan.

▼遮荫凉棚下可以停留和开展活动 The shade arbors supports having a break and developing activities.

▼遮荫凉棚夜景 Night view of the shade arbors

在场地北部,设计师利用场地内的土壤堆出了一个新地形“日落山”(Sunset Hill),坐在上面可以俯瞰远处的印度洋和海滩的壮丽景色。
In the north of the site a new landform has been created using excavated soil from the site. Named Sunset Hill, it allows spectacular views over the Indian Ocean as well as up and down the beach.

To the north a new children’s playground has been designed around a whale skeleton, interpreting Indigenous Whadjuk/Noongar Dreaming stories of spirits returning to land through the whales.

The redeveloped Scarborough Foreshore has strengthened Perth’s beach-side image by offering an inclusive and celebratory public realm where visitors and the local community can come together and enjoy the city’s beautiful seaside location.

▼平面图 Plan
▼轴测图 Axonometric drawing
项目名称: 斯卡伯勒海滩改造项目
设计公司: Taylor Cullity Lethlean与UDLA
完成年份: 2018年
总建设面积: 9.9公顷
项目地点: 澳大利亚 西澳大利亚 珀斯
照片来源: Douglas Mark Black, Dion Robeson, DG影像
视频来源: Heightened Advantage
主创设计师: Taylor Cullity Lethlean
设计团队: UDLA, Taylor Robinson Chaney Broderick, ENLOCUS, Diadem
客户: 城市重建局与斯特灵市政府
工程: 奥雅纳
合作伙伴: Sharyn Egan, Jahn Rees
Project name: Scarborough Foreshore Redevelopment
Architecture Firm: Taylor Cullity Lethlean with UDLA
Completion Year: 2018
Gross Built Area: 9.9 hectares
Project location: Perth, Western Australia, Australia
Photo credits: Douglas Mark Black, Dion Robeson, DG Imagery
Video credits: Heightened Advantage
Lead Architects: Taylor Cullity Lethlean
Design Team: UDLA, Taylor Robinson Chaney Broderick, ENLOCUS, Diadem
Clients: Metropolitan Redevelopment Authority (MRA) and City of Stirling
Engineering: Arup
Collaborators: Sharyn Egan, Jahn Rees
更多 Read more about: T.C.L (Taylor.Cullity.Lethlean)